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Ellis Interest Re-iterated

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Can I just ask why is everyone so desperate for a guy who no one knows anything about or how much money he has to take our club over . He hhas never broken cover , never spoken about his plans and then to cap it all makes possibly the biggest faux pas possible re Murray


Because the unknown is so much more attractive than the poverty we're currently in.


As it stands Rangers are rotting - able to dominate in the SPL but unable to grow in any way - we can't sign anyone, we can't secure our current assets, and as a 'business model' we're in dire straits.


We have no money and no future in our current state.


So cue a takeover - and consequent hope - we can only hope this guy Ellis has our best intentions at heart, that he will wipe our debt and sign up our out of contract stars, including manager, and give funds for new players.


It gives us SOMETHING, a glimmer of a future instead of the rut we've been suffering for 2 years now.


It might not be certainty, but is there any takeover that would make us all certain and totally happy with affairs?

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I understand your point mate , but surely it is much easier to get the feelings of the internet fans than fans from " real life " , I mean all you need do is log on and register . Just find it very strange that he made that comment , in fact it's almost Murrayesque and probably has nothing to do with the deadline for season tickets only being 4 days away , ooops cynical me ..


You could be right on that score I guess. Time will tell.

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Can I just ask why is everyone so desperate for a guy who no one knows anything about or how much money he has to take our club over . He hhas never broken cover , never spoken about his plans and then to cap it all makes possibly the biggest faux pas possible re Murray



Hes got 33 mill together to buy the club and you dont spend that sort of money then not invest in it. Defies logic. If he doesnt have the ambition to take the club forward then why the hell would he (and his two backers) buy the club?


Weve waited long enough for a mega rich Rangers supporter to come and save us but hes not comming. Ellis is the only one who came to the party and if he doesnt buy it ifear no one will and well be left at the mercy of the bank. Ill give the guy ago on that alone. That is the peril were in.

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Do we need a super Rich guy running us who is not using his own money to put us in debt or do we need someone who can run the club well. Rangers,Gretna. AZ,Man u and many more have all tried the rich guy scenario and almost or have gone under. Give me someone who can run the club well in keeping us in the black and get the Donald Parks Dave Kings the supporters and sponsors to all share the burden of financing the club. I don't want one guy running our club alone i would prefer a guy who can get all the main players pushing in one direction.

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I wouldn't necessarily read too much into Murray being offered the position of Life President. He may not accept and even if he does it smacks of being ceremonial rather than having any real power.


Remember when Abramovich took over Chelsea? Ken Bates stayed on as Chairman.....for only 9 months.

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