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Wilson pressured on new deal

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Guest Flying Hippo

I don't understand why he's whining about it. We're a selling club and regardless of how long his contract is, we'd sell him for any kind of acceptable offer. Surely he knows this and understands we just don't want to lose him for free?

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Of course he feels pressured. The club and fans would like him signed up, so it's all on himself as to whether he chooses to go for the deal offered or not. Fleck has chosen to stay & sign a new deal because he wants to play for this club, so lets see what Danny chooses to do.

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Is there some kind of maximum IQ for pro footballers, and if they're above it - say, intelligent enough to wipe their arse with paper instead of their hand- they're not allowed to join?


Either sign, or don't sign. Not exactly a MENSA question. No need to do your thinking in public, for goodness sake.

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I love how totally uncommitted he is in that article to us. At no point does he say he actually wants to stay.


The reason, Danny, that you're being pressured to sign that contract, is because you've been offered it. Did you expect to be given a contract and left to your own devices?


Truth is I've proposed reasons why he may be delaying signing it, but this article does little to clarify matters.

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Guest Flying Hippo

I said this recently, and i'll reiterate it. Danny Wilson is a Celtic fan. Imagine yourself, a Rangers fan, playing for Celtic. A Premiership club comes in for you. Just how committed are you to staying at Celtic?


I have no problem whatsoever with Celtic fans playing for us, it's irrelevant, but i'm realistic enough to accept that Wilson will leave if he gets a better offer, and won't exactly find it gutwrenching

Edited by Flying Hippo
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I said this recently, and i'll reiterate it. Danny Wilson is a Celtic fan. Imagine yourself, a Rangers fan, playing for Celtic. A Premiership club comes in for you. Just how committed are you to staying at Celtic?


I have no problem whatsoever with Celtic fans playing for us, it's irrelevant, but i'm realistic enough to accept that Wilson will leave if he gets a better offer, and won't exactly find it gutwrenching


I'd never before heard he was a Celtic fan...

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