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VB Letter to Boston Globe

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The efiiciency of the language is far less important than the fact it was written at all. Thankfully there are a few around who believe action still has a place amongst the words. Excellent stuff from Vanguardbears, who today stand head and shoulders above any other group in the Rangers community.


Without not having access to their forum and only reading what I can from their main page, I would have to agree with this in terms of how I as a Rangers supporter would present my views, or want them to be represented.

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I don't agree with a lot of the Vanguard Bears outlook, but I do like that they do something rather than nothing.


For me it would be Do something rather than nothing.



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It's interesting to see there are still some people who hanker after style over substance, parading words on a website rather that on a letter of complaint. Vanguardbears has done more over the last couple of years to address our detractors than all other Rangers groups put together ... and then some. To the extent that some much larger websites have been shamed into outright animosity and refused to take part in pro-Rangers activities while continuing to line their pockets with hit-money.


I guess it just depends what you think is really important, doing it or talking about doing it? I ask myself, what other Rangers group would have written that or any other letter to the Boston Globe? Or on a daily basis take head-on the mass of lies and anti-Rangers propaganda, wherever it comes from? So while VB might not be the place everyone would feel comfortable in terms of style or trivia, it's at least worth acknowledging that they have contributed something important that no one else seems able or willing to give.

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It's interesting to see there are still some people who hanker after style over substance, parading words on a website rather that on a letter of complaint. Vanguardbears has done more over the last couple of years to address our detractors than all other Rangers groups put together ... and then some. To the extent that some much larger websites have been shamed into outright animosity and refused to take part in pro-Rangers activities while continuing to line their pockets with hit-money.


I guess it just depends what you think is really important, doing it or talking about doing it? I ask myself, what other Rangers group would have written that or any other letter to the Boston Globe? Or on a daily basis take head-on the mass of lies and anti-Rangers propaganda, wherever it comes from? So while VB might not be the place everyone would feel comfortable in terms of style or trivia, it's at least worth acknowledging that they have contributed something important that no one else seems able or willing to give.


Is your first sentence aimed at me?

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No, and I've no idea why you would think that. Do you have a persecution complex in the making? :D


Just wasn't sure if if it was a dig at my advice earlier in the thread. Didn't see why it should be as it was obviously offered in a constructive manner, but it was just in case I was misunderstanding the point that you were trying to make. :)

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Just wasn't sure if if it was a dig at my advice earlier in the thread. Didn't see why it should be as it was obviously offered in a constructive manner, but it was just in case I was misunderstanding the point that you were trying to make. :)


Ha ha, I guess you just needed to be sure eh? Now I see where you're coming from but no, I wasn't referring to your post in particular, here or on other forums.

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