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Rangers Tracking Jim O'Brien of Motherwell

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Undoubtedly O'Brien is one of Motherwell's better players who has the ability to turn an SPL game from time to time. The trouble is, he will be as infuriatingly inconsistent as any other winger. No doubt he will have moments of quality, but he will have plenty of other moments where he poor or just ordinary.


The question I guess is one of finance. Methinks he will command a salary which is considerably less than Beasley so you can begin to see why it might make sense.


Then, if you factor in that he seems to be turning his back on Ireland and cross the Old Firm divide, he may become a very interesting signing.


Of course, it could all be p**h though :whistle:

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What did we all think when Neil McCann signed? Good enough or Not?


From all the rumours going round regarding O'Brien and Conway (Dun Utd) it's apparent the press think we will add some width. I don't think there are many in the SPL who I'd want to sign but I reckon Driver (Hearts) would be a good (but more expensive) signing. What about Commons of Derby I think. How much would he cost?

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Guest Flying Hippo

Now is not a time to be picky about signing SPL players. Their signing on fees would be miniscule in comparison with players from better leagues and our current management team seemingly prefers working with as many home grown players as possible. I would welcome the signing of Conway but not overly keen on O'Brien mainly because of his roots and Celtic background (might aswell be honest)


At least this means we're hopefully on the lookout for wingers. The McArthur link is concerning as central midfield is literally the last position we need to strengthen

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Now is not a time to be picky about signing SPL players. Their signing on fees would be miniscule in comparison with players from better leagues and our current management team seemingly prefers working with as many home grown players as possible. I would welcome the signing of Conway but not overly keen on O'Brien mainly because of his roots and Celtic background (might aswell be honest)


At least this means we're hopefully on the lookout for wingers. The McArthur link is concerning as central midfield is literally the last position we need to strengthen


I wouldn't say our midfield is as good as it used to be, since losing Mendes. We have no creative players barring Davis who doesn't actually play in the centre not sure if McArthur is that creative either. I still think the strike force is oversubscribed for 2/1 positions on the pitch. Although that might be reduced in the summer.

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I wouldn't say our midfield is as good as it used to be, since losing Mendes. We have no creative players barring Davis who doesn't actually play in the centre not sure if McArthur is that creative either. I still think the strike force is oversubscribed for 2/1 positions on the pitch. Although that might be reduced in the summer.


I would quite happily exchange all our current strikers (Boyd, Miller, Lafferty, Novo, Naismith and Velicka) for two of better quality.

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Guest Flying Hippo

I would settle for Miller, Lafferty, Naismith, Velicka, and Fleck as our striking options for next season so long as we signed at least 4 players for other positions. Fleck and Naismith are much better in central positions than stuck on the wing, so would definately do a job as second strikers.

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Someone must be at it here. I may be an unreconstructed dinosaur but, while I'm the first to admit Rangers don't have any problems signing catholics, O'Brien is a celtic-supporting pape who took the same road as McGayday and turned his back on his country to play for his beloved Oirland. He's an ethnic Rangers hater and there is as much chance of him being accepted at Ibrox as me scoring a hat trick against Hibs on Sunday. Even in these strange, handwringing times, we're still Rangers.

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Guest Flying Hippo
Someone must be at it here. I may be an unreconstructed dinosaur but, while I'm the first to admit Rangers don't have any problems signing catholics, O'Brien is a celtic-supporting pape who took the same road as McGayday and turned his back on his country to play for his beloved Oirland. He's an ethnic Rangers hater and there is as much chance of him being accepted at Ibrox as me scoring a hat trick against Hibs on Sunday. Even in these strange, handwringing times, we're still Rangers.


I agree. It's ok signing Kenny Miller, a protestant who supports Hibs, or even Mo Johnston (because hey, he turned down Timothy to join us) but signing someone who turned his back on the country of his birth in order to play for the Free State? Too far

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