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I can't see how replacing Weir will suddenly make us a force to be reckoned with in Europe. My first choice would be for a Bougherra and Webster partnership next season, but if we do have to go with Weir, I still think we would have bigger problems in our team selection tbh. Just my opinion though.


In an ideal world, we wouldn't be having this conversation I guess.


I agree that replacing Weir alone wouldn't turn us into Barcelona (Or is that Inter :D), but something you need desperately to succeed (or at least be vaguely credible) in Europe is a defence which can reasonably cope with its demands.


And as loyal and useful a servant as he has been to us, the CL is beyond Weir and results like Unirea and Sevilla are all we we have to look forward to with him in our backline.


He is limited, and ageing, and while I'd be the first to acknowledge how important he's been for us overall, this season's CL highlighted why I'd be content to have him replaced completely.


If our only ambition is the SPL then I agree he's fine for that, but sorry, I will always look further afield than this league as what we aspire to.


For me, the CL is not just a bonus, it's critical. Financially and competitively.

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For me, the CL is not just a bonus, it's critical. Financially and competitively.


And just how do we factor that in with 1) no money and 2) having to qualify next season fromt he qualifiers ?


I owuld like to think that the CL is more than a bonus but there are a unmber of factors, not least the coefficient but also financial in nature, that are heavily stacked against us making the CL unless we automatically qualify (and yes, I do get the irony that if we have to qualify for the CL but dont then we are negatively impacting our coefficient - but the reality is that we dont have the money to do much about it).

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And just how do we factor that in with 1) no money and 2) having to qualify next season fromt he qualifiers ?


This is the big part of me that equates the importance of being credible in the CL with getting new investment/owners to support it.


I owuld like to think that the CL is more than a bonus but there are a unmber of factors, not least the coefficient but also financial in nature, that are heavily stacked against us making the CL unless we automatically qualify (and yes, I do get the irony that if we have to qualify for the CL but dont then we are negatively impacting our coefficient - but the reality is that we dont have the money to do much about it).


I do agree that without any money it's a moot point, and a major worry for next season's CL is that without said new money we will be slaughtered in the group stages, especially if we've been culled of our Boyds, McGregors, Wilsons and Bougherras.


So, my opinion, while honest, does rely on a hopefuly assumption that we end up in a financially healthier state and new ownership before the transfer window opens.


Basically, we need to retain our assets and sign new ones.


A wish, I accept, which is a tad naive.

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