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Fans buyout - Walter for Chairman?

Guest enigmablue

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Guest enigmablue

I'll start by saying this isn't a very well formed argument just a few thoughts to ponder more in relation to an article on another site about John Paton's rise to being the Chairman of the club and the elephant in the room of a fans buyout.


So let's take a little trip into the world of a fans buyout and who takes the helm.


Walter whilst perhaps not having the business acumen required for the cut and thrust of today's business world knows the club inside out. He knows the fans very well (even if he has questioned sections of the support including the online community). He knows the mhedia inside out. Could he be the figurehead of the club as the chairman of a fans buy-out?


Assuming we have a decent CEO and strong team in all the key roles in the club, what your thoughts?


I think he's shown recently that he can be very bold (as generally he's unsackable at this point in time which I know is a contradiction seeing as he doesn't have a contract..but you get the drift). I'd say the general consenus is that we admire the qualities in him which we believe should be upheld as a Ranger and he's well respected throughout British football.


What does he lack? or does anyone have other ideas on a preferred future chairman?

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Any attempt for a fan group to obtain a shareholding - partially or otherwise - needs a credible figurehead IMO.


Not necessarily as a prospective chairman (non-executive or not) but simply as a key figure to rally the supporters and attract participation from as wide a range of people as possible. Similarly, credible, experienced business people would do the same for their peers as well as people from other areas of expertise where possible.


Do that and people will listen to what you have to say and buy into your ethos. Rely on good-intentioned but ultimately inexperienced and unpopular fan reps then success is less likely no matter how good the proposal.


Smith has suggested such a model is possible so I'm sure those interested in achieving fan ownership will be eager to talk further with him. Fan ownership needs a catalyst and a club legend would be ideal.

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One rather large problem remains with no current answer.


Where is the money coming from?


The only way the Rangers fans will own the club is via a Bunnet-type scenario - be it with Ellis or other money man prepared to underwrite the initial purchase while making money from the period between buying from MIH and selling to the fans.


I'd be surprised if any prospective owner wasn't interested in raising capital from the support in exchange for shares. The only aspect that may change is the scale to which they want us involved.


For their part, while any buyer may come to us, the fans need to find someone to maximise subscription to any scheme. Smith would be just one figure who'd manage that.

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