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I must admit for the first time against Utd I was actually almost impressed by him. Up till now he's been lightweight and a bit flimsy and flattering to deceive, but he got pretty involved in the cup replay, and although his decision making was very poor, I at last see a bit of potential in him. It's taken far too long mind you, but better late than never. Indeed, I thought he was our best outfield player in that match.

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I must admit for the first time against Utd I was actually almost impressed by him. Up till now he's been lightweight and a bit flimsy and flattering to deceive, but he got pretty involved in the cup replay, and although his decision making was very poor, I at last see a bit of potential in him. It's taken far too long mind you, but better late than never. Indeed, I thought he was our best outfield player in that match.


Agreed! He finally looked like he's got something that has warranted his reputation.


I was also impressed with Little through the middle. If we get the league wrapped up with 5 games to go, we could very well get some of the youngsters getting a good 2 or 3 games, blooding in the team for next year so we know they are capable when called upon in the future. This might be invaluable considering how limited it appears we are on the transfer front!

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I must admit for the first time against Utd I was actually almost impressed by him. Up till now he's been lightweight and a bit flimsy and flattering to deceive, but he got pretty involved in the cup replay, and although his decision making was very poor, I at last see a bit of potential in him. It's taken far too long mind you, but better late than never. Indeed, I thought he was our best outfield player in that match.


Have to agree with you when you say it seems to have taken a bit long,although I still put that down to his age,I have also always said you can see he is a player just with the way he takes a ball in and moves with it,he does need to improve his decision making,again I suppose that will improve with age and experience.If he realises his undoubted potential he will be some player,IMO,so I'm happy he has signed a new contract.

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I think he's the type of player who could benefit from a loan spell as a first choice for a lesser club. Let him make mistakes that are less costly elsewhere, learn from them, gain his confidence and come back ready to play for the Scottish Champions on a weekly basis.

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