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Mowbray had another dig...

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Guest Bandit

What I find funny in all this Mowbray business, is that given his track record at Hibs and WBA, where was the evidence that his time at Septic Park was ever going to be anything other than a failure?


As a complete off-topic aside, I loved the chants of "Sexy football? you're having a laugh" today at Tynecastle...take that Tony :)

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I've no wish to offer protection for any poster on here but if you believe wabash, or me, or anyone else is a celtic man, come out and say so ..... but then set out your basis for believing so. On the other hand, if it's just your way of having a go at someone who irritates you then keep it to yourself and your pm clique. That's all I'm saying and how long you've been a member of Gersnet shouldn't make any difference.


I did come out and say so and set out my reasons.

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Personally the opinions of designer fans have never carried much weight with me, I refer you to your previous post, which I note with some satisfaction you have bodyswerved, you should always check before you post and not credit the sentiments of your opinion of Mr Lawrences quote to others, I can recommend a few good sources so you can get a feel for our great history.



What precisely have I bodyswerved? Can't make sense of your post as per.

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