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The refs are against us!!!!!!

Guest carter001

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Guest carter001

Since our victory at the weekend i've heard nothing else, either at work, on the phone-ins or message boards, other than 'It's not that we're shite, its the referees fault' from the other side of the city.


I even had one guy say that 'yes, you should have had a penalty but, so should we so, they cancel each other out. Then brown is sent off so that shows the referee only gives decisions that favour Rangers'. These idiots are so stupid that, even when admitting a denied penalty for us, they can totally dismiss it as if it doen't count!


As such, I thought it would be quite good to see if we can list decisions that have went against us over the years. This is not for any other reason than for our own sanity, as I think there might be some weakminded people that begin to believe this crap!!!!



I thought I would start it of with the 6-2 game at the piggery. We had a perfectly good goal chopped off then they went up the park and scored an offside goal. Changed the whole game.





You never know, they might come on here for a look and have a reality check!!

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Guest BillyMac

least we forget this is not only for our game that the refs will be under pressure they will be under all sorts of scrutiny from now until i was going to say the end of the season but if they can say that they have basically been cheated from well since time began


but it fairly gladends the heart to that paranoia is alive and kicking

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