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More lafferty bad publicity.

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True or not, he keeps appearing in the papers for all the wrong reasons, time to cut your losses and ours WS at the earliest opportunity. http://www.newsoftheworld.co.uk/scottish/scottish_news/735436/Kyle-Lafferty-is-booted-out-of-house-after-10k-damage-is-caused.html


so say it wasn't true you'd still want to get rid of him because the papers have printed a negative story about him :confused:


heard it all now............:rolleyes:

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I've not read what's on RM but why bring it up here?


If the particular post on RM had genuine cross-board interest then fair enough but inappropriate posts on another forum are their responsibility and irrelevant to the discussion here.

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Naw I just think he is hopeless, a very very bad piece of business all round, good money wasted, that succinct enough.


why the need to post the story from that rag if you just think he is crap :confused:


i don't think it's money well spent either but he is a Rangers player and will get my backing as long as he's here and every time he plays, he's not trying to play badly and is also still learning so I will give him a bit longer.

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Naw I just think he is hopeless, a very very bad piece of business all round, good money wasted, that succinct enough.


Well it's the first time i've understood one of your posts at the first read through. :P And I agree with it.


But as long as here I'll support him and I would support all Rangers employees against a ridiculous media campaign. So his dog misbehaved, hardly his fault and certainly not newsworthy.


Ps. Stewarty is right, hardly the place to debate the rights and wrongs of some random post on RM where most of us do not even know what was stated.


Back on topic guys. :thup:

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