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I have a strange hankering for oor wee Roseanne :)



Roseanne 23 minutes ago Post #844

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Oh God, I don't know how my heart didn't give out at that game. It was like a fecking pendulum at one point. :o I obviously wanted us to get all three points. We needed them really to give ourselves the minmum number of games to have to rely on the huns slipping. Needless to say, I am not about to give up. I heard Mhogga say earlier that we actually didn't need to win all of the rest of our games, which is true although it makes things harder if we don't.


But the one thing we have that was in short supply for a while is goals. :thumbsup: We have, in most games this season, made a load of chances. Sometimes we haven't been able to score at all, sometimes we have managed to score but not enough to get all three points. Kilmarnock, as was already suggested by some on here, came too early for our new signings to really get used to training and playing together but, since then (OK I appreciate it has only been a few games since the end of January) we have scored 10 goals in three games. Yes we conceded four today - how often has this happened to us in the league? The most we conceded before today was the three against Falkirk and that was months ago. So for all the wailing and gnashing of teeth about our defence, we mainly tend to concede at most two in a game. I know btw we conceded three against Rapid as well but I'm talking specifically about the league. Anyway, because of our horrible luck in front of goal lately, this has been enough for teams to get either one point or three against us. I am willing to put my neck on the line and say that I am absolutely certain we will never again concede four goals in the league this season. I am also absolutely certain we can score that with a fair amount of regularity. I'm not saying we'll hammer teams 4-0, 5-0, 6-0 every week but, as I said to a guy I worked with recently, I would happily take winning 4-2 every game til the end of the season.


Another thing that didn't escape my notice was the fact that, today, we had four different goal scorers. Kamara's goal was excellent and it demonstrates this attitude we have that no ball is a lost cause. Keano never managed to score from it but Kamara got on to it and it was an excellent start for us. Aberdeen equalising wasn't part of the plan but it doesn't take away what we did. :scottbrown: had a fanastic run for our second goal. :worthy: The Aberdeen player actually tried to trip him twice but he managed to stay on his feet and made an excellent run. :worthy: Then he put a brilliant ball in to Keano who in turn set :fortune: up an absolute beauty. :wub: Aberdeen coming back a second time would have taken the wind out of the sails of most teams. But in the second half, we got another two good goals. :wub: Keano :worthy: now off the mark with his first SPL goal. :thumbsup: And :mcgeady:'s goal was an absolute beauty as well. :wub: :theclap: As for the penalty well it was a handball but what gets me with these decisions is that there is absolutely no way Aberdeen would have got that against the huns. :rolleyes: Oh and I may as well say here and now that Brines always makes himself out to be a cockeyed wee knob when he referees our games. :boik: Anyway, them equalising with a few minutes to go wasn't particularly nice but, even then, we didn't stop, Braafheid was unlucky with an attempt on goal that actually hit the bar. Why could that not have dipped an inch or two lower? :( Oh and the other thing I forgot to mention, it was only a good save from Langfield that stopped Ki scoring an absolute beauty when he came on. :o


Usually, with these types of game, where we concede late on and drop some points, it feels like a defeat but it just didn't for me today. And, as far as the league is concerned, if anything I am even more defiant. Again, I am prepared to stick my neck on the line here and say that, if the huns had played in that game, gone ahead and Aberdeen came back at them twice, they would not have got anything from it well not without help anyway. In fact, I don't think the huns have beaten them at all this season so far, we have beaten them twice! If the huns win tomorrow, it is back to 10 points, which we didn't want! But it is still not insurmountable at this stage. If they drop anything tomorrow against Hibs, which I personally think they will, we are at the very least no worse off. If they lose, :pray: we are actually better off! Even if they don't slip tomorrow, they have a threadbare squad and have to rely on one or two to score goals with any sort of regularity. We have players who can turn the chances we make into goals with more regularity than we have been doing. The defence? All I care is that we, in the majority of games, manage to concede less. Clean sheets are all the better but, like I said before, I'd take winning 4-2 every week. I still think our defence will be fine. We certainly won't concede four to anyone else in the SPL. Persoanlly, I think we have played our hardest game of all the ones coming up in the next few weeks (and I include the huns in that). Some will say we shouldn't be in a position of relying on the huns dropping anything but that doesn't make it any less doable. :champions:



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Flynn 20 minutes ago Post #849

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Not much new to add to what's already been said; the defence was utterly shambolic, completely disorganised. Little wonder with a raw 18 year old looking to an uncertain 23 year old for guidance. Caddis and Braafheid both had shockers. We needed to be at least 3 in front to feel anywhere near safe, and even at 4-2 you could just see a calamity coming every time Aberdeen attacked.


The substitution of Samaras for Keane was baffling. I would rather have seen Paddy McCourt coming on - at least he can hold the ball and make things happen.


Even though our first choice cb's and rb were out, we should have been able to cope. We weren't, and Mowbray's lack of urgency and animation is really getting to me. If we fail to beat the arabs & the huns, it should all be over for Mogga. It looks more and more like he doesn't know what he's doing.

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PauloM 16 minutes ago Post #858

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13 Feb 2010, 06:18 PM


Arsene Parcelie

13 Feb 2010, 06:14 PM


Broken record, broken record, broken record.


Another away day where the chances to goals ratio is less than 25%, another bunch of individual and collective mistakes, another set of baffling substitutions, and 3d place is more likely than the league.


We will not win the league until we start closing out 2 goal leads.


Says it all when only the hope of administration and that Hibs won't overtake us is all we have to cling to.


I've given up on the league now because the evidence is, and has been, overwhelmingly staring us in the face since August.


We can't go away from home without something causing apoplexy, and we're just as likely to not win at home these days too.


Aye, there's still a chance if the Huns implode. but Hibs have as good a shot as we have on current results.


I'll say one thing though, it's still more exciting than Strachan's version of loseritis.


Good post as usual AP however disagree with last comment. Doesn't matter if we lose playing exciting football or boring stuff. We need to win first and foremost.


To me it is a point of principle. Celtic should play free flowing attacking football. Its what we are known for. We have flair and the huns are dour. Its our positive approach to playing football that has won us the support of so many people over the years who aren't from a traditional Celtic background.


This was being lost under Strachan and I am glad that we have recommitted to it, notwithstanding the league table. I don't want to see us revert to Walter Smith football, even if it gets to the top of the league.


Now obviously the defending should be better, and the fact that a bunch of defenders who have barely played together are struggling is no great surprise but needs to be remedied. But easing up on the attacking or worse bringing in Mark Hughes and a gang of hammer throwers is not the answer, even if results short term might improve.


If Mowbray goes to Ibrox with four up front and we rip the huns to pieces it will make a statement that will last for years..


Keep the faith !

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CiaranOG 33 minutes ago Post #862

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Ps. Can I just say that ref was a total bellend.


Did MacLean get booked for taking his top off? I never saw a yellow card and the tv never said it either. Then kicking the ball away! All we want is effing con

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madtim1967 31 minutes ago Post #868

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The huns game coming up they will just put the long ball through the middle or set piece, know where we are weak and then the iron curtain goes up.


A counter attack team with strong emphasis on defense giving little away usually, And when teams do cut them open they dont usually take thier chances like they do against us.

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So according to that first post they just need to score 4 each week and ensure they don't concede 4. Completely mental ideas.


And the mug perpetuating the beautiful football myth.


Give me Walter the winner over losing "Arsenal" football any time. :D

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To me it is a point of principle. Celtic should play free flowing attacking football. Its what we are known for. We have flair and the huns are dour. Its our positive approach to playing football that has won us the support of so many people over the years who aren't from a traditional Celtic background.


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Not much new to add to what's already been said; the defence was utterly shambolic, completely disorganised. Little wonder with a raw 18 year old looking to an uncertain 23 year old for guidance. Caddis and Braafheid both had shockers. We needed to be at least 3 in front to feel anywhere near safe, and even at 4-2 you could just see a calamity coming every time Aberdeen attacked.


Surely not Danny? :fish:

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