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Liverpool 1 - 0 Everton

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Was flicking between this game and our bore of a game. Kyriagos was sent off for a two-footed lunge on afro man in the 1st half but took the lead early doors in the 2nd and Everton never looked like equalising afterwards. Pienaar was sent off for a nothing tackle on Gerrard. The more I see Gerrard the more I dislike him. There's no doubting he's a cracking player but his antics when tackled or more often than not dives are ridiculous. He gets away with it because of his nationality. If, say, Fabregas or Ballack did that they'd be slated.


Gerrard is a cheating cunt.

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Fellaini could have seen red for his tackle on Kyrgiakos - seemed strange that big Soti was the only one sent off there. Even before that incident there were a few meaty challenges that could have seen yellow or even red.

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