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There is no need for it to be a SKY game for any protest to succeed.


IF organised properly and professionally, the media would send along teams to report on it, no matter when and where it took place.


As such, a protest for the Hibs game may have some small immediate effect, and may be the start of something bigger, but I have to agree with Frankie that stepping back a bit, getting orgainsed and, dare I say it, unified, would be a much better way of doing things.

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An initial protest next week is fair enough but if it isn't organised well in this time-frame, and if it fails, then further movement thereafter would be difficult to gain more support.


The game being on TV isn't a huge thing for me. If a protest is organised properly, then media coverage would be inevitable of it if it is backed by the right people.


Theres a world of difference between Scottish media coverage and Sky Sports News surely?

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Theres a world of difference between Scottish media coverage and Sky Sports News surely?


SSN would cover a protest if the high heid yins were involved...


I've seen DE, SS, FM and MD all on there lately commenting on a range of issues.

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Guest gandhisflip

Frankie - some excelent points. I believe what's lacking at the moment is a figurehead that everyone can unite behind (i hate to use their example but a good mouthpiece a la Dempsey at the CarPark). I'm a latecomer to some of these boards and it's clear to me there are a number of noses out of joint amongst FF, Rangers Media, the RST and RSA. Like the OP we need to be able to put egos aside on this.


I really like what David Edgar has to say most of the time, although he gets slaughtered by many on RM which i find to be counter productive - so someone who can talk passionately and well but perhaps has the majority of the active fan base behind them. It's also essential that we work more closely with the consortium guys and get some major business types on side.


I really do think the support is out there amongst thousands of fans to help contribute towards Rangers recovery as well but we need that united focus, as well as credible businessmen behind it.

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Guest gandhisflip

I think an ex-player is a good idea and Numan also runs several successful business i believe. Perhaps not the Scottish Gers fan that could inspire most support though.

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The unfortunate but very real situation is that we, as a support, are so fractured and split that there is absolutely nobody we will all get behind that is just a fan, or fans rep, or such like.


That is why it has to be either a whiter than white, Rangers supporting multi-millionaire who is not afraid to put his head over the parapet and declare his interest and plans for the club, or a former player of great stature and integrity that will embrace all fans groups and allow himself to be the PR figurehead against the current situation.


In the absence of this, the situation is such that we are left with small groups of well-intentioned supporters who want to do something positive and proactive, and that they will be sneered at by other supporters who do not agree with their methods.


The whole situation is far more sad than it is surprising, and all the while far more important than to allow personal issues with whichever organisation/group of fans is organising any particular course of action at any given time.


Wether the situation is as bad as we are being led to believe by some, or as manageable as we are led to believe by others, surely no Rangers fan can be happy with the off-field performance of the club this last few years, and especially the last 18 months.


What we do about it is entirely another matter.

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Guest Northampton_loyalist

Hello folks. thought i best show my face :D


One thing thats needs to be said is that from here, FF and other sites too the overwhelming majority seem to be in agreement that, for now at least, we need to work together.

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