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WS Speaks of Concerns

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All the more reason for these alleged buyers to come out and lead publicly...


I couldn't agree more Frankie.


Why should we show support for them when we don't know who they are. Fair enough we could protest against Muir but I don't think that would be effective or quick. Someone has to take leadership of this consortium and stick their head up above the trenches.

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To be honest, allowing the Rangers manager who needs to be concentrating on managing our team to a vital SPL title to do their dirty work is disappointing.


if Dave King wants to buy the club and wants our help, time for him - or someone he can appoint - to stand up.

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There must be some sort of legal restraints on any take over bid being made public?,or whoever is supposed to be trying to take over are trying to get the club at the cheapest price they can?, I don't know much about it tbh,but as all Rangers fans it is really quite frustrating and worrying where our club is going.I'm sure the fans would love to help with any sort of protest or even financially, but we don't know for sure who we are supposed to be backing!!,it's all very well playing this secret/silent game but for the fans who are constantly kept in the dark about the future of our great club it's beginning to piss me off.If there is a consortium wanting to take over the club then just fucking get on with it.

Confused and worried fan.

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All the more reason for these alleged buyers to come out and lead publicly...




Exactly Frankie.


I'm willing to take part in protests etc, but cards on the table? I honestly don't think the support can make a single bit of difference anymore, unless some leadership is shown from a potential new owner.


It doesn't bode well that our potential new owners are clouded in such secrecy.

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The conflict of information now coming from these allegedly 'in the know' posters is also not helping.


Poster A says the club is worth so much. Poster B says it's actually much more.


Poster A says a new bid is imminent. Poster B says that isn't going to happen.


I'm glad the protest thread was removed, I assume because MD wants to discuss such a strategy with his Trust/Assembly peers first which make sense to me.


If we're to protest (and I'm definitely interested in doing so), it needs to be well organised, include all the fan groups, all the websites and have a clear strategy. If possible (and I appreciate that is difficult) it also needs a credible focal point that the non-politically active fans can identify with.


Do that and the chances of success are greater.

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In a weird way, Frankie, we don't know specifically what we're protesting against.


Yes, Muir and Lloyds, I get that, but we need to know what we're asking them to do if that makes sense.


Are we asking them to lower the asking price?


Are we demanding they cut their losses and get out the club?


Are we demanding the reopen negotiations with Dave King?


Like I say, the basic premise is against Muir and Lloyds, but it would be nice if we had some specific goals to aim for.


Someone needs to talk to us, I appreciate it's difficult due to confidentiality and so on, but we need some form of official communication.


All of those in the know need to be on the same hymn sheet as, like you say Frankie, several reliable people are all reporting different things.

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In a weird way, Frankie, we don't know specifically what we're protesting against.


Nail on the head for me. I want to protest at something because it's all screwed, but there are no clear objectives because there is no clear solution and no clear obstacles in the path.

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