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WS Speaks of Concerns

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Maybe it would be better if we went into administration and the end of the season ?,it would possibly make a take over bid easier,I think?,deducted 10 pts at the start of the season I know but it would maybe get us sorted out ?.

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I've been worrying about administration a lot lately, particularly given the prospect of us going 13 points clear by beating Celtic at the end of the month. Is there a chance we could sacrifice 10 points knowing we'd still be top and go into admin?


Would it ever really come to that? We could pretty much wipe out our debt by selling McGregor, Wilson, Bougherra, Davis, Fleck, and Miller. We'd be left with basically no team, but we'd be avoiding a -10 start and never before seen embarrassment in terms of prestige.

Edited by Dr Preston Burke
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I've been worrying about administration a lot lately, particularly given the prospect of us going 13 points clear by beating Celtic at the end of the month. Is there a chance we could sacrifice 10 points knowing we'd still be top and go into admin?


Would it ever really come to that? We could pretty much wipe out our debt by selling McGregor, Wilson, Bougherra, Davis, Fleck, and Miller. We'd be left with basically no team, but we'd be avoiding a -10 start and never before seen embarrassment in terms of prestige.


I think I'd rather start next season -10pts than lose the players quoted,if we keep these players then we might still catch up on the deducted points,without these players we would probably end up 10pts+ behind at the end of the season.

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Or....maybe.... he is right ? Ever thought that could be a possibility ? Ever thought that he is closer to the truth than any of us are ? And that he IS a fan and wants us to see the reality of the situation ?


He is damned if he does and damned if he doesnt. In some people's eyes he will never win.


Yet here he is, working without a contract, talking out against the bank (who may or may not be his effective paymasters) and could easily be sacked without recourse over some of his public comments.


And what will happen if his "doomsday talk" comes to fruition ? You can bet that WS will STILL be blame for it all.


Maybe, just maybe, he is trying to forewarn us of the dangers our club is in.


And why should he "shut it" ? He has as much right to air his opinion on the club as you or I do - and, besides, what he says is hardly earth shattering stuff..... it is stuff we have already heard before.



If he does have inside info then maybe hed be better comming out with the whole truth craig instead of the odd oneliner that throws us all into turmoil. two days ago he came away with having to shed more players in the summer and then yesterday hes upped the stakes and hinted that the club is on the verge of closing down. Pretty inconsistent information there. If he does open his mouth again i would like him to have a good think about what he is actually going to say and what points hed like to make and explain why he is making them instead of the ramblings were being fed at the minute.


that isnt too much to ask craig.

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Am I alone in thinking that the club are obliged to make some sort of statement as to what exactly is going on ?,this drip fed snippets here and there are misleading,it can't be too difficult to do ?.


I don't think they're under any obligation whatsoever and I'm sure there's good reasons for both sides keeping quiet and playing their cards close to their respective chests.


Its very worrying to hear WS talking like this.


TBH I'm more disappointed that even with this sort of headline and the worrying news coming out of Ibrox for months now that the various supporters groups appear unable to organise a piss up in a brewery, sorry, I mean a proper protest. So far there doesn't seem to have been any attempt to get all the fans together to pull in one common direction to react to the changing situation - be it in a protest against Muir, a protest against the bank, or a call for some information from either side, or even at least give any potential bidder a single point of contact with the fans.


Are we really that apathetic as a support? I know its been discussed on here for a few years now, that question of "exactly how bad do things have to get on/off the park for us to organise a mass protest?", but I'm sitting here, gobsmacked, at just how bad things have (potentially?) got and we've still not united as a support.


And yes, I'm aware of the irony of me sitting here typing this on a keyboard instead of actually doing something, but I believe there's individuals and groups much better placed and connected, to kick something like this off.





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You are entitled to go with WS if you please, funny how this story has again appeared in todays internet edition of the Herald,straight after WS's comments, it is as clear as day that WS is using his meedja sycophants, if he has a score to settle with Murray he shouldn't be using the club to do it. Incidentally Muir does not work for the bank.





Why does Murray/Muir not comment,why leave the field clear for Smith.


Hopefully WS is not finished, reading other forums it's just starting.

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Seems to me all that Walter is complaining about is that the board are giving the fans expectations that they may not be able to fulfill due to circumstances outwith their control.


It's all very well to say you're not going to sell any players, but if a player really wants to go you can make yourself look really foolish.

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