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WS Speaks of Concerns

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Once again on Radio Scotland in aftermatch interview.......



''I'm a supporter and have concerns forget me being a manager. If nothing changes before the end of the season, even if we win the league, the club is in serious trouble, anyone who believes otherwise is severly deluded''.

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Once again on Radio Scotland in aftermatch interview.......



''I'm a supporter and have concerns forget me being a manager. If nothing changes before the end of the season, even if we win the league, the club is in serious trouble, anyone who believes otherwise is severly deluded''.


Don't worry, its all part of the master plan apparently.....




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better start saving up boys, we may have to buy the club ourselves!


Its a big jump from we may have to shed more players to WERE DOOMEDED AH TELL YE! For fucks sake walter shut it! pretty erratic if you ask me.

Edited by gisabeer
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better start saving up boys, we may have to buy the club ourselves!


Its a big jump from we may have to shed more players to WERE DOOMEDED AH TELL YE! For fucks sake walter shut it! pretty erratic if you ask me.


Or....maybe.... he is right ? Ever thought that could be a possibility ? Ever thought that he is closer to the truth than any of us are ? And that he IS a fan and wants us to see the reality of the situation ?


He is damned if he does and damned if he doesnt. In some people's eyes he will never win.


Yet here he is, working without a contract, talking out against the bank (who may or may not be his effective paymasters) and could easily be sacked without recourse over some of his public comments.


And what will happen if his "doomsday talk" comes to fruition ? You can bet that WS will STILL be blame for it all.


Maybe, just maybe, he is trying to forewarn us of the dangers our club is in.


And why should he "shut it" ? He has as much right to air his opinion on the club as you or I do - and, besides, what he says is hardly earth shattering stuff..... it is stuff we have already heard before.

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Not again, you would think WS would have learned from his last faux pas, evidently not.


I think I'll go with Walter on this one. If Smith is wrong, why the silence from Muir?


He is on the Board, let him speak as a 'Rangers Supporter'. The manager is right or he is talking out of his arse.

Edited by chilledbear
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You are entitled to go with WS if you please, funny how this story has again appeared in todays internet edition of the Herald,straight after WS's comments, it is as clear as day that WS is using his meedja sycophants, if he has a score to settle with Murray he shouldn't be using the club to do it. Incidentally Muir does not work for the bank.



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