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League Cup - Who Needs It?

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I've never bought in to the whole diddy cup thing. Its always exciting to see your team play in a final and can give the fans and players a real boost at this point in the season. So what if it doesn't get you a European place, its one of the 3 domestic trophies up for grabs and I think we should be competing for it seriously.




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With the stadium only half full surely they should be giving tickets away to kids or totally cutting the price for adults so more go?


I hate seeing the ground like this but it's happened for years and they don't seem interested in doing anything about it......

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In terms of league re-organisation, one of the problems is finding dates to play games - doing away with the 3rd trophy would free up space in the calendar.


That apart, I just can't muster enthusiasm. That said I'm sitting watching it.

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With the stadium only half full surely they should be giving tickets away to kids or totally cutting the price for adults so more go?


I hate seeing the ground like this but it's happened for years and they don't seem interested in doing anything about it......


Ideally it should be played at a stadium with a capacity of 35k but we don't have one of those in Scotland. Ibrox, Hampden and Celtic Park are all to big for a League Cup SF with a diddy team in it but Easter Rd and Tynecastle are to small.

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Ideally it should be played at a stadium with a capacity of 35k but we don't have one of those in Scotland. Ibrox, Hampden and Celtic Park are all to big for a League Cup SF with a diddy team in it but Easter Rd and Tynecastle are to small.


Aye, don't agree with the calls for it to be at Tynecastle. Just not big enough.

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Celtic have won this one more than us I believe, so I want us to win it. :spl:


They haven't thats the Scottish Cup. We have won this 25 times they have won it 13/14 times.


I like this trophy don't see the need to do away with it unless we have a Super Cup type thing at the start of the season. Like league winner plays the Scottish cup winner.

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