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The Suvul Calculator has new batteries

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Found this on Newsnow and thought it was worth posting. Cracking sarcasm by covenanter put out by RM.




The Suvul Calculator has new batteries

Tuesday, 02 February 2010 12:42

by covenanter



I am in the car at seven O'Clock this morning and tune into BBC Radio Scotland's flagship news programme, 'Good Morning Scotland'.


Ra Sellik's fourteen week loan signing of Spurs Robbie Keane is included as third item on the news and is legitimately rewarded with most of the Sports Desk reports.


The news piece tells us that 500 Yahoos gathered to welcome the Republic of Ireland skipper to ra Stydome. The Sports report several minutes later adjusted the figure to, "several hundred". At this point, I believe a franTIC search was conducted in Pacific Quay to locate ra Suvul Calculator and ensure it was imbued with new batteries.


Fellow RMers may know that Good Morning Scotland is essentially a thirty minute loop, news, weather, traffic, comment, and sport is repeated on the loop with breaking elements fitted in on updates. The next thirty minutes from 07.30 hrs saw the news reporting approximately a thousand Yahoos in the car park at midnight, Sports adjusted accordingly to, "more than a thousand". Fired up, ra Suvul Calculator continued it's well practised behaviour.


From 08.00 hrs to 09.00 hrs the numbers polluting ra Stadde de Gadd car park to welcome, "the highest paid player to ever play in Scottish football" had increased to 3,000. The last two Sports reports obviously seen Presenter, Jeff Webster in full possession of ra Suvul Calculator because he was reporting, "between 3-5,000 Celtic supporters stood in the rain cheering their new loan signing".


There you go, in the space of two hours on ra Calculator, BBC Radio Scotland had managed to inflate those Yahoos attending the car park from 500 to 5,000. Whatever happened to if you are accurate, you will be objective?




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Looking at the video on the BBC site of the crowd at Parkhead, it looks at least somewhere in the thousands.


It's not beyond the realms of possibility that 500 people are there to start with, then grow substantially in 2 hours.


As much as I like a laugh at timmy's expense, that article is blue tinted to the point of blindness. So much for objective.

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Looking at the video on the BBC site of the crowd at Parkhead, it looks at least somewhere in the thousands.


It's not beyond the realms of possibility that 500 people are there to start with, then grow substantially in 2 hours.


As much as I like a laugh at timmy's expense, that article is blue tinted to the point of blindness. So much for objective.


But it's the crowd at midnight. Why would it increase during the reporting of it 7-9 hours later?

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But to have 5 different amounts, and from an organisation that has been known to show significant bias? Deserves parody in my book.


If they had mistakenly underestimated the size of a Rangers crowd, would they appear to be desperate to correct it. Or would they run with their mistake. :whistle: :devil:

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But to have 5 different amounts, and from an organisation that has been known to show significant bias? Deserves parody in my book.


I think the BBC are more awful than biased. I guarantee the majority of tims think they're biased against them. That's a sign of poor reporting in general more than partiality.

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