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Consortium-Second Offer Soon?

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Who posted this?


And is it King who stepped away?


He (sccgers) didn't say who stepped away but did indicate it was King i.e. not able to commit due to circumstances. However, he did say the fella that backed out had been replaced and that there are still 4 (maybe more) who have more than enough to get the club back on an even keel.


A 2nd offer is expected soon but they don't expect this to succeed but it may lead to more negotiatiosn with the bank as to what figure they would find acceptable.


Walters comments in todays press I guess are intended to raise the profile of the mess we are in again and possibly to put more pressure on the bank if the support can mobilise some sort of protest against Lloyds. Although I don't know reallistically what more can be done.

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Isn't King the only person of this alleged consortium that has the real financial clout to buy the club while under-writing its ongoing activities in the medium-term?


What I gathered from the thread on FF - King couldn't commit at the moment but if the consortium was successful he could or would return once his position re. SARS was clearer or resolved. That's just my interpretation though.


I have no idea who the other members are.

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King not committing is surely important in terms of finance though? Without his input, I'd be worried about the abilities of the consortium.


I'd guess the other members are Park, Paul Murray and possibly Souness (who probably wants it kept quiet). I suppose there may be a name or two that we've not heard about which is exciting... ;)

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