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Liverpool v Reading

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The more I think about it the more I think Liverpool have just become another shitey mid-table team. As Danny says, other than Torres, Gerrard and Mascherano they have a hell of an ordinary squad. Agger, Degen, Lucas, Babel, Skrtel, even Kuyt - hardly imposing names. Their financial situation finally appears to be coming home to roost.


Don't really have much of an opinion on any English side, but I've never been a great fan of Victimpool. Therefore I'll be shedding no tears over their current plight.


They are also, let us not forget, captained by a bar-brawling would-be car thief.

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The more I think about it the more I think Liverpool have just become another shitey mid-table team. As Danny says, other than Torres, Gerrard and Mascherano they have a hell of an ordinary squad. Agger, Degen, Lucas, Babel, Skrtel, even Kuyt - hardly imposing names. Their financial situation finally appears to be coming home to roost.


At a really, really long stretch we could add Carragher and Reina to their best players, but that's really pushing it. Lucas is thoroughly average, Skrtel is good but no world beater, Kuyt is distinctly ordinary, Agger and Degen are staple, and Babel hasn't really had any sort of chance to assert himself.


All of the big teams in England have at least 5 clear marquee players - Chelsea have Terry, Cole, Cole, Ballack, Deco, Drogba, Lampard, Essien and Anelka. Arsenal have Arshavin, Rosicky, Vermaelen, Fabregas, Walcott, and Van Persie. Man Utd have Giggs, Rooney, Berbatov when his head's right, Ferdinand, Scholes, Carrick and Vidic. Man City have Tevez, Adebayor, Bellamy, Robinho, SWP, De Jong, Given, Kompany, Barry and Ireland.


These are massive squads ripping at the seams with world class players. Liverpool lag way, way behind all 4 of them.

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