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Liverpool v Reading

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the run that boy for reading made from the half way line deserved to score that



I have rarely had so much sympathy for a player of a team I don't support, but that run was gagging for the finish. Crying shame he didn't put it away.

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Reading just scored a penalty in the 4th minute of stoppage time to take the replay into extra time. If Reading go through, Benitez will be for the off.




Benitez famously said Liverpool was a 5 year project, that he would expect to be challenging for the title within 5 years. He punched above his weight with 2 CL finals including that win in his inaugural year, but right now, 5 or 6 years on, his Liverpool side has been wiped out of the CL, the FA Cup, the Premier League and Credibility League.


Injuries aren't helping him, but the fact that a supposed top team only has 3 marquee players (Torres, Gerrard and Mascherano) really isn't good enough. Too many good and average players and not enough brilliant ones.


He's turning into the second Houllier coming, and fast.


Amazed he's still in the job tbh.

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