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Kyle Lafferty opens his heart on debt claims - and Old Firm horror tackle

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Now that Jerome Rothen has gone, it's time for a new scapegoat. And for the past few weeks, it's become abundantly clear that scapegoat is Kyle Lafferty.


In this article he's being accused of being skint and bankrupt - to counter those claims he foolishly points out the extent to which he is not skint or bankrupt. In doing so, while showing he's not skint, he looks a little cocky - but that clearly isn't his intention and only those with an axe to grind against him will use it as ammo to attack him with.


There are some hateful and petty remarks being thrown around. And I find it quite tiresome and unfair on a young guy who's still getting to grips with where he is now.

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This is the Scottish press. You can trust them to put an article together in a way that damages Rangers.


Let's give Lafferty the benefit of the doubt and not fall for it in the way that the press could be trying to manipulate us into.


See that ESPN headline about John Terry saying that it's been crucial for the big 3 of himself, Drogba and Lampard to hold the club together while they've gone through so many managers and have had chaotic times?


They titled the headline with a big lie: WE RUN CHELSEA.


And even the article said 'John Terry has claimed the trio of him, Lampard and Drogba are bigger than any manager ever will be'.


The press are lying, manipulative scum whose agenda is to sell papers and get web hits. It is nothing to do with the truth.

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I was a bit disappointed in his comments and thought he had been a bit daft. But I didn't agree with the lengths the media and some fans are going to attack him.


And that was without even considering the possible scenario BD has suggested, which I wouldn't put past our dodgy media.

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There are some hateful and petty remarks being thrown around. And I find it quite tiresome and unfair on a young guy who's still getting to grips with where he is now.


Why make daft comments then? He should keep schtoom and let all this nonsense blow over. He chose to open his gob and come over all cocky and arrogant.


In the case of the newspaper article, he's only got himself to blame.


As far as his playing form goes, he can partly blame WS with that as he's the one playing him out of position. However, his performances, for a pro footballer, even out of position are disgraceful.

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Why make daft comments then? He should keep schtoom and let all this nonsense blow over. He chose to open his gob and come over all cocky and arrogant.


In the case of the newspaper article, he's only got himself to blame.


As far as his playing form goes, he can partly blame WS with that as he's the one playing him out of position. However, his performances, for a pro footballer, even out of position are disgraceful.


You've made daft comments on here,as I have, and you are older than Lafferty,as I am, what I can't understand is the amount of shit he is receiving from Rangers fans !!, ok he has opened his mouth and let his belly rumble............................. HANG THE MURDERER !!!, and don't give me this pish I keep hearing '' he is a professional,he is Rangers player he should behave as such '' blah blah blah, the fact is he made an arse of himself,again,get over it he will realise his errors eventually,or maybe not, but ffs the high moral ground that some fans take is nothing short of hilarious.He is a Rangers player and if he can't get back up from Rangers fans then he is as well getting out of Scotland which is really quite funny as I've said this before on this forum regarding other Rangers players.

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If his performances were up to the required standard very few Rangers fans would be castigating him the way they are. His performances have been so poor that this is merely a new stick to beat him with.


There are other Rangers players who have done and said far, far worse than Lafferty and been given almost a completely free ride from the fans.


That said though, these guys are in a profession where they should be thick skinned - I am sure it wont get to him too much.

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You've made daft comments on here,as I have, and you are older than Lafferty,as I am, what I can't understand is the amount of shit he is receiving from Rangers fans !!


The difference is though Pete, I've not got fans following me on and off the pitch. I don't need to watch what I say incase the press jump on it. The guy is in the limelight all the time so he should know better than to open hi mouth and make daft comments.


Some poor wee kid out there will see Lafferty as his hero.

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The difference is though Pete, I've not got fans following me on and off the pitch. I don't need to watch what I say incase the press jump on it. The guy is in the limelight all the time so he should know better than to open hi mouth and make daft comments.


Some poor wee kid out there will see Lafferty as his hero.


Danny? :devil:

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Danny? :devil:


I prefer plenty of Rangers players to Lafferty. Davis, Miller, McGregor, even Boyd these days.


What I can't stand is supposed supporters giving a 22 year old guy such a torrid time when they're on the same side as him.


I can't stand Bougherra thanks to his attitude and recent conduct towards the club, and I want shot of him, but I support him fundamentally as a Rangers player and give him 100% backing on the pitch regardless of my personal feelings about his character.


I feel Lafferty isn't afforded this luxury by those who feel about him the way I do about Bougherra.

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Why make daft comments then? He should keep schtoom and let all this nonsense blow over. He chose to open his gob and come over all cocky and arrogant.


In the case of the newspaper article, he's only got himself to blame.


Curious really. It seems the player gets the blame when you don't like the player, but if it was a Miller, or McGregor, or a Boyd, you'd defend them to the hilt and blame the newspaper for manipulating their words.


As far as his playing form goes, he can partly blame WS with that as he's the one playing him out of position. However, his performances, for a pro footballer, even out of position are disgraceful.


Disgraceful is an exceptionally emotional and wholly innaccurate not to mention unfair word. Especially as you hit the nail on the head in your first sentence as to why his displays on the left have been underwhelming.


Would you expect Boyd to excel on the left of midfield?

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