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Should Rangers Appeal Miller Red Card ?

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Watched it about twentytimes there and i dont see any punch or boot going into dodds face!


If the ref sees common sense here, he will recind the red card and give it to that feckin cheat dodds who i and the rest of the rangers family believe feigned injury in a blatant attempt to have a fellow pro sent off! similar to lafferty's case

Edited by Gers4Life
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When Lafferty did what he did against the SHEEP both him and Rangers came out and condemned his actions and was rightly punished, CLASS, don't expect the same from Dods & DUTD.


To be honest other than if Dods admitting it helped Miller's cause in seeing the red rescinded, I couldn't give a shit what Utd and Dods do. We KNOW that we are a classy institution whilst everyone else PRETENDS to be.


We did the right thing over the Lafferty affair and that is all I care about. The rest can do what they like.

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I hate to be the odd one out again but i don't think it is as clear cut as everyone's saying.

Firstly Intent is enough to send him off. Secondly miller did move his leg. It was difficult to see from the camera angle, but i thought his calf muscle did actually catch Dodds. There is no doubt that the Dodds play-acted and it was never a sending off but i am not so sure the ref will retract it. It was stupid of miller to give him the option to send him off.

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