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Liverpool v Arsenal

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Arsenal were shite first half and could so easily have been further behind.


But as soon as they equalised at the start of the 2nd half Liverpool lost all belief they could win the game. Cracking goal from Arshavin.


Was nice to see that Gerrard's diving caught up with him today - the ref gave him nothing when he could so easily have got a penalty early doors and other free kicks too. Serves the diving chunt right !

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Gerrard should have got a pen but had to go and dive again later. He's one of the most prolific divers in the premiership. It's become a part of his style, he dives into anything whether its a challenge or to win a foul. Still a quality player of course but give me Super Frank at Stamford Bridge any day.

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Gerrard should have got a pen but had to go and dive again later. He's one of the most prolific divers in the premiership. It's become a part of his style, he dives into anything whether its a challenge or to win a foul. Still a quality player of course but give me Super Frank at Stamford Bridge any day.


If he was foreign he'd be ripped to shreds in the press for his antics.

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Gerrard should have got a pen but had to go and dive again later. He's one of the most prolific divers in the premiership. It's become a part of his style, he dives into anything whether its a challenge or to win a foul. Still a quality player of course but give me Fat Frank at Stamford Bridge any day.


Fixed that for you Totti :thup:

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Gerrard's diving is so blatant but because he is English it never gets mentioned from the commentators. Classic game of two halves today really. Pool were good in the first half and deservedly in front. Arsenal obviously got a rollicking at h time and were by far the better team in the 2nd half. Some goal from Arshavin again too. Gooners outside bet for the Title still????

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Great win for Arsenal, they were awful in the 1st half and Wenger gave them a bit of a Sir Alex style talk at half time which made the difference.


They still have a game in hand against bolton at home which should be a banker 3 points which really has them in a nice position so they are well in with a shout, they just need to stop dropping silly points. They have Burnley away on Wed and thats the sort of game they could lose or draw.


I still think Wenger needs a top keeper, and he would be sensible to give Sol Campbell a 5 month deal in January as cover at centre half.


As for Liverpool, they will be lucky to finish 6th this season. Villa are by far a better side and Man City dont lose as many games as Liverpool.

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