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Isn't it good to know that in these harsh financial times....

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...where many Rangers supporters find it tough to conjure up the match-day ticket money to follow The Gers, that the Rangers first-team squad will be flying to Manchester from Aberdeen directly after the Sheep game to enjoy themselves on a well-earned night out.


Well..........not all of them will be heading south.


Some can't afford the two-grand required for the 'kitty'.


Nice work if you can get it, huh?


[From our No1 Editor chum]

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If I wanted to point a finger at fatcat bastards, which I don't, I could find many more appropriate people to point at than Rangers players. I reckon they're as free as anyone else to do what they want with their own money. I hate this envy-driven criticism of people, soon it will be considered worse than paedophilia. The little bastard who pissed on a war memorial deseved criticism, young men wanting a night out don't.

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Ach, I don't think anyone is being overly critical - just hoping that these young men have their full attention on their job before they go and have fun on their Xmas night out.


Certainly a bit of team-bonding wouldn't go amiss after a poor midweek result and some tetchy comments in the media about our AWOL star centre-half. ;)

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None of the higher earners amongst the players are themselves to blame for what the club were willing to pay them when contracts were agreed & signed. The only thing the individual players can be pulled up on is whether or not they've been fully applying themselves to their job, so questions will no doubt be getting asked if they don't get a good result in Aberdeen before jetting off for a night of bevvy & strippers. Here's hoping the supporters traveling back down the A90 tomorrow afternoon have something to be happy about & that the players are really deserving of their night out because 3 points dropped would make it very questionable indeed imo.

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