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Rangers kids schooled in way of Dutch Masters

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It is idiocy to believe you are going to emulate the Dutch just by a few prof clubs bring on a few players from an earlier age by taking them out of school for a few hours. Yes it will help a bit but you have to pull all levels higher so the competition remains high. Only a better standard through all levels will improve the game in Scotland.

I would prefer football to be taken out of the schools and go with setting up clubs as in Holland. The junior system could be a start to kick it off. Below is a peice i wrote earlier for those who never read it.




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I don't think it's too off topic S_A. Especially not the suggestion that the balance is all wrong in the physical education curriculum. If football is by far the biggest & most popular sport in the country, why shouldn't there be a football coach in every school? FFS, even the yanks figured that one out years ago. There's at least one American football coach in every high school and they even worked it into their higher education system. I'm not saying our education system should be like the US, but they did get some things right. At least it appears that way to me.

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Having football in schools means that when a person leaves school he has to start looking for a club to play for. The system in Scotland at the moment is that most boy clubs have one team for every age group. That means only the best are picked out and most fall by the wayside. It is more productive to have clubs where you can play from a 5 year old until you stop playing football at say 50 or even 60. If everyone pays contributions it also finances your club.

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Having football in schools means that when a person leaves school he has to start looking for a club to play for. The system in Scotland at the moment is that most boy clubs have one team for every age group. That means only the best are picked out and most fall by the wayside. It is more productive to have clubs where you can play from a 5 year old until you stop playing football at say 50 or even 60. If everyone pays contributions it also finances your club.

The thing is pete, why shouldn't kids who want to play football be allowed & encouraged to do so as part of their physical education at school? Here in Scotland it's not an option to take physical education or not, it's mandatory, so why should kids who want to play football be literally forced to play other sports? They go to PE classes & are forced to play basketball, do gymnastics & all sorts of other obscure shit, but they don't have the option to run out on a football pitch & play football? Something isn't quite right.

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It's an interesting line you;ve taken the debate down Zappa, aprticulalry with the comparison with American Football across the pond. I think it also ties in well with Pete's assertion that we need to improve football from the lowest levels up. Quite how you arrange this I don't know though.

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