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Breaking News: Rangers fans threaten to boycott Lloyds TSB

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Nothing like shutting the stable door after "all" of the horses have bolted. http://www.google.com/hostednews/ukpress/article/ALeqM5jCqC-_b0ArdttZwcnTfK9GDJnLbQ


I don't know if this applies here but I can tell you from the front line that there are a lot of people in our banks who are in a state of some personal panic at the moment, have been for the last uear or so. Some of the behaviour varies between irrational downright bad practice. Nothing that some of these people decide to do would surprise me particularly, driven as they seem to be by personal survival and opportunistic career development. Don't base your plans on an expectation of rational, business-as-usual decision making.


From a business perspective, God help anyone who finds themselves actually depending on our bankers. Better to rely instead on any passing headless chickens right now.


The idea that a boycott of LloydsTSB will result in a particular desired response is strictly from the land of wishful thinking. I doubt of anyone in Lloyds TSB even knows ahead of time how they will react... or afterwards, if they reacted at all.


It's a heady concoction ... banks running in circles and changing their position almost daily, and the RST just running in circles. Good luck everyone, keep you knees together and ... jump.:)

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Who do The RST speak for when they talk of fans boycott? I was not asked or given a chance to vote for this stance


It's actually a very serious question you raise. If we knew who this membership was we would have some way to grasp the weight of these statements from the RST.


At the heart of the dishonesty I keep referring to is the inference by the RST board that their constituency is far bigger than it actually is. In fact its more than just an inference because we have their spokeman on record claiming a membership at least three times larger than it really is, so the RST also clearly recognises the importance of membership numbers.


If the RST is really just speaking for its membership, why doesn't it just send out an email to each member with board information and recommendations? Or place hese on its own website? The fact it doesn't restrict its pronouncments to its membership is proof that it wishes to exert an influence beyond its constitutional boundary and this is where your question is entirely relevant and justified.


The RST will say that it wishes to represent the best interests of the wider support and is therefore justified in reaching out to them. I would say that this is a dangerous position to take and the RST should instead work to expand its membership and those on whose behalf it can legitimately speak, rather than speak for those who have given no permission for them to do so.


What I cannot understand is that even in the midst of a storm of criticism fom friends and enemies alike, the RST is making no attempt to change its style or strategy. Why is it that the RST cannot just publish it's membership on its website?

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