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Hello all,

Not posted in a good long while but I thought after Gersnet's kind invitation to come back, why not...anyway hey ho...

First thing that i thought I'd vent my spleen about was the ad i saw in today's Herald ( I know, I know but i like the crossword) for the new volume of celtc minded 'essays'...the ad leads with 'if you're Irish...' and then blethers a whole load of paranoid nonsense about the famine song....peddling the usual rubbish about anti-irishness and 'the damage this does to positive ethnic as well as religious relations'


tiresome, absolutely tiresome!


The inference that celtc are the Irish diaspora's team does not suggest as the ad tell's us that the Irish migrant's have assimilated well into Scottish society if they have only supported one team or 'social and cultural institution' as it is put.


The celtc's support's anti-Britishness was there for all to see last week at Falkirk...so it's not quite the one way street these apologists would have us believe.


As ever, that Scotland has a racist, anti-Irish culture that is only challenged in the pages of CM is deluded arrogance that propagates an out and out lie....to anyone who geniunely believes that about Scotland...2 words....catholic schools...if we have such a sectarian culture, why are the RC church allowed to have their own education system?...one which they are fiercely protective of...surely we would have never allowed such an expression of religious freedom if we were so bigotted!


CM3 is basically the celtc view for the over educated and should be regarded as an irrelevance....unfortunately, the faux outrage peddled throughout will only go to fuel the bar room bigots who would have us as evil proddie oppressors to their jolly RC good guys... The fact that these people feel the need to publish such a manifesto suggests a victim mentality beyond reason...would we have a Rangers Minded? nope! not needed...I'm quite happy to define myself beyond my unswerving loyalty to my club and God help us if we all thought the same way anyway....


And we all know the famine song is just another dig at the plastic paddies but it has been seized gratefully by those who have their noses finely attuned for the slightest whiff of offence...it isnt sung by the Rangers support (mainly) now so we've moved on...can they?


So, now off to watch that representation of evil aparthied that is the Scottish national football team....if the devil has all the best tunes...couldn't he have given us a few decent football players?



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AH, was looking for an article in the Herald online then realised you said it was an ad... :D


I've asked 26th of Foot to comment on this for me mate as he's read the first two books I believe (for research purposes).


Suffice to say, I agree with you in that these books are nothing but high-brow propaganda for lies spread by liars for liars. Their concentration on a harmless dirge of a song shows just how much evidence they have for their claims. Nothing.

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