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We have better things to do than move to England

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It's never gonna happen, I'm with you on that. However, I don't quite grasp how moving to the richest and arguably the best league in the world would put "the final nail in our coffin"?


I am with Mainflyer on this as the English bubble will burst at somepoint in the future

due to the finance's involved and the crazy salarys paid to players i would rather Rangers were not part of it as it may be the land of milk and honey circa 2009 but what 5-10 years down the line ?? the stabillity of the EPL cant be guarenteed due to the chairman and the �£�£�£ involved


We are better of in the SPL , but under a new structure


Scottish football needs a pine cone shoved up its ass to weed out all whats bad and killing our game.


A healthy competative SPL means a Healthy competative Rangers :box:



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Let's the leave to timposter stuff aside please...


As always, if one disagrees with another, then there are plenty of ways to skin a cat without resorting to public allegations which only take an interesting thread off-topic.


Thank you. :)


Agrees, this place will not lower to the FF mentality.


Besides, I agree with allot of what Totti says, does that make me a tim? I fookin think not...! It may have been said in a slightly lighter manner, but the content is agreeable in most places.

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you said after regularly playing in the champions league we should conquer Europe and be regular challengers...Unless we're taken over by a billionaire Arab then that isn't happening in my life time! Generally speaking, only the very elite can be considered regular champions league challengers like Chelsea, Barca, Man Utd etc.




Totti if you are 100% Rangers like you say you are then in 2007 did you still say Rangers would never appear in another European Final in your lifetime ??? well the Uefa cup happened so who knows whats round the corner thats the magic of football Rangers still could make or win the Champions league final in our lifetime,impossible ? why ? , we nearly won it in 92/93 and i believe by the time i draw my last breath on this Earth i will see the Rangers win Europes major Trophy and let me die a happy Man. :rfc: "We Welcome The Chase"

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Totti if you are 100% Rangers like you say you are then in 2007 did you still say Rangers would never appear in another European Final in your lifetime ??? well the Uefa cup happened so who knows whats round the corner thats the magic of football Rangers still could make or win the Champions league final in our lifetime,impossible ? why ? , we nearly won it in 92/93 and i believe by the time i draw my last breath on this Earth i will see the Rangers win Europes major Trophy and let me die a happy Man. :rfc: "We Welcome The Chase"


Well that is a great thought for you.It rules out suicide.:thup:

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Getting back to the OP, I totally agree and have been saying for years also that this myth and dream of playing in any other league but our own Scottish version is complete and utter tosh, and should never be seen as a viable alternative to us.


We are a Scottish club, and the most successful one at that, and we are rightly proud of this, and our history backs this up all the way back to the Gallant Pioneers.


Fashions come and go, and right now the SKY money has turned the English league into something no other league in world football can compete with. So why should we always try to compare our lot with that of a country 10 times bigger than us, just because they are our nearest neighbours? It is completely ridiculous.


We can continue to strive to be the best we can be, and over the last decade at least even this most basic of aims has been downgraded due to the total mismanagement of the club at all levels, but particularly the owner. We have been on a downward spiral of negativity, driven by our owners neglect, bad financial decisions, poor media work, poor performances on the park as well, and the acceleration to the abyss has only been tempered by occassional highlights, with 3 last day titles and one great European run, which only came about because we failed to get through our CL group after being in an almost uncatchable position at the halfway stage.


I have no doubt that if we get our house in order, on and especially off the field, get a togetherness and a family spirit back to the club, stop pandering to our enemies, we will become the force we all want to be. Yes, tv money means we cannot compete with the top English clubs, but neither can anyone else, so take them out of the equation and we can still have qualified success on the European stage, as our fanbase can generate other revenue streams can allow us to compete with most countries best teams.


It is only the negative way Murray has run us down that has us all thinking we cannot compete with anyone, as that is what we have been fed for the last decade.

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