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There is if you're a highly paid athlete


it's not like they are alki's, they are human, Barry and McGregor were virtually the best 2 players Scotland had and along with Boyd Scotland are missing them all big style........


sure you're not a tim :whistle:

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it's not like they are alki's, they are human, Barry and McGregor were virtually the best 2 players Scotland had and along with Boyd Scotland are missing them all big style........


sure you're not a tim :whistle:

Getting pissed a few nights before a big match is ridiculous. We are a nation producing sod all talent and the booze culture is a major factor. If Charlie Miller was born in a foreign country he'd probably have turned out to be a top player.


Footballers just shouldn't binge drink.

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Welcome to the forum Totti. :)


I agree that pro footballers shouldn't binge drink. A heavy session will effect their training for a couple of days. The only time it should be permitted is when they have a few weeks holiday, but even then, most pro athletes would look after themselves & not get rat arsed. Footballers definitely can't be at the top of their game if they're going on drinking sessions every week, it's just not possible. Nothing wrong with them having a couple of drinks, but they should have the will power to only have a couple rather than saying they'll have a couple & ending up having a bucket load.

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To a certain extent, I'd agree with Totti (welcome to the site, btw).


Should they have stayed up drinking as they did? Of course not.




Should they have been singled out in the way that they were, when other were almost as cupable? No.

Did they deserve to be banned sine die after the hampden incident? Again No.

Did the SFA handle the whole situation dreadfully? Too right they did.

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You're at it.


It's all very well talking about all the mistakes he's made in his career. :rolleyes: Do we do that to any other player? Or do we talk about form and the player they've turned into? Bar the Hearts error he's been top quality recently. How about you stop talking rubbish.


He's played well during the past month, but do you remember all the people calling for Alexander to be in the team prior to that. McGregor has looked shaky on more than a few occasions this season, although thankfully he has regained his best form recently.

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I'm not saying he's faultless, but do we just keep a record of every mistake a player makes in his career as a reason not to play them? Or is that something someone with an agenda against a given player does?


I remember the calls. Alexander had done nothing wrong, so why drop him? I somewhat agreed. That's different to not wanting McGregor in because he's been poor though. When he had an error at Hearts, the calls intensified, though he also redeemed himself in that game. He has since shown, on form, Smith made the right call. And whilst understanding the fans, I backed Smith's decision. It's hard being right all the time. :flipa:

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It would have been bad business to leave McGregor on the bench. He's a better keeper than Alexander, he's younger, highly experienced in Europe & also experienced at international level. Even despite the boozegate shambles he's worth more money than Alexander & leaving him on the bench would have affected his transfer value badly, whereas bringing him back in as Gers No.1 keeper has probably seen his value go back up to around about what it should be, about �£4m - �£5m.

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I'm not saying he's faultless, but do we just keep a record of every mistake a player makes in his career as a reason not to play them? Or is that something someone with an agenda against a given player does?


I remember the calls. Alexander had done nothing wrong, so why drop him? I somewhat agreed. That's different to not wanting McGregor in because he's been poor though. When he had an error at Hearts, the calls intensified, though he also redeemed himself in that game. He has since shown, on form, Smith made the right call. And whilst understanding the fans, I backed Smith's decision. It's hard being right all the time. :flipa:

Put it this way, McGregor in recent seasons has left me with my head in my hands all too often.


PS - Thanks for the welcomes.

Edited by Totti
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Given the amount of calamities he's made in his career, it's hard for people not to talk about his errors.


He makes more mistakes in a game than Klos did in a year.


Away and dont talk so much pish.


Every keeper is fallible even the greats such as Goram and Klos.


But to suggest McGregor makes more mistakes in a game than Klos did in a year is just silly.


You obviously dont really like McGregor as a keeper which is fine, but FFS try to at least make sensible statements.

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Away and dont talk so much pish.


Every keeper is fallible even the greats such as Goram and Klos.


But to suggest McGregor makes more mistakes in a game than Klos did in a year is just silly.


You obviously dont really like McGregor as a keeper which is fine, but FFS try to at least make sensible statements.

I was obviously being sarcastic to emphasise a point.

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