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A Tale of 'Rancid Bigoted Scum' and 'Moronic White Underclasses'

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In a week where we have Rangers supporters labelled as 'rancid', 'bigots', 'scum', 'numb-skulls', 'white underclass', 'morons', 'knuckler-trailers' , 'vermin' and 'animals' (and that's in the broadsheet and tabloid media - not the phone-ins and unofficial forums!); exactly how does one work their way through all the hyperbole and faux moral outrage to reach the core of the problems these polemic articles speak of?


As you can see from the plethora of abusive adjectives above, Thesaurus.com has had its fair share of hits this week from the usual outrage sources such as Graham Spiers (The Times), Anna Smith (Daily Mirror), Glen Glibbons (The Scotsman) and more. Criticism of the Rangers support from these brave literary warriers is nothing new and, in the main, it is water off a duck's back given their journalistic credibility is about as high as Ian Brines' refereeing abilities.


That's not to say some of the criticism aimed our way is incorrect or unfair. If you look beyond the usual suspect's eagerness to attack their favourite subject; we can't deny in some aspects they are right. We do need to examine why we continually attract and cause problems on our travels. While it may not be as simple as these allegedly erudite crusaders suggest, we do not have our challenges to seek in this regard. As such, the club and support must work together to face these challenges and repair the damage done by the tiny percentage of fans who have let us down in recent years. While this percentage is extremely low, it isn't negligible as long as Sky go against their new policy of not offending their viewers by broadcasting pictures that worry and disappoint Rangers FC and their fans.


Ergo, we do need to accept criticism, we do need to look inward and we do need to find innovative ways of ensuring we can follow, follow anywhere without fear of yobs letting us down or the subsequent barrage of abuse in the media afterwards. Deflecting or denying from that won't help.


By the same token though, the people who cover such topics with such obvious glee also need to examine their behaviour. Do they honestly believe such eristic coverage is going to help eradicate the behaviour of the minority? Sure, they may not be immediately to blame for the actions of neds (or indeed stewards/police) but neither will they solve the issue with the petty point-scoring we read in the opening paragraph of this article.


In fact, add in this ever-willing and excitable pack of rabid journalists to the overall mix then what one has is not a solution to the omnipresent stench of hooliganism, sectarianism, racism or even just unacceptable behaviour; but simply a catalyst to fuel the flames of paranoia, ignorance and hatred which only serves to increase said tension. As such, this coverage - juxtaposed with impotent authorities prevaricating to ensure the next million pounds of taxpayer money falls into their lap - doesn't reduce these minorities but only increases them.


Thus, the next time these journalists pick up their Parker to write their next 'letter'to club executives, or the next time they open up their laptop to email their UEFA sources; perhaps they can look in the mirror first and ask if they really want to fix these problems or are they happy making five figure salaries from picking and choosing the battles depending on what colour the people involved wear?


Will Spiers berate Celtic's green and white 'underclass' republicans spoiling minute silences? Will Gibbons write an 'open letter' 'to Peter Lawwell reminding him of decades of anti-British hatred from their support (going back a lot longer than 1969)? Will Anna Smith explore the 'racist and sectarian' elements of her beloved Hoops fans while asking for them to be banned from Europe?


The fact is every club has their fair share of yobs who let down the majority. I see little improvement from any club in that respect as I'm told to 'go home ya hun' by clubs of not just green colours either most weeks in the SPL. The fact is the SPL, the Scottish Government and a media only interested in their next shilling are complicit in the problems we see and hear every week in our national game. The fact is, despite millions of pounds spent and millions of words written, I still await any tangible results in that regard.


So the next time you reach for the dictionary to find your next needless insult, ask yourself who is really to blame. You may find the answer isn't as easy to find as you think.

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Would this be the same Stanley Collymore who, if my memory serves me well, was pulled off Ms. Jonsson mid-beating by some Bears on holiday in Spain or somewhere several years ago ?

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So Rangers should be kicked out of Europe because a fan tried to rip a seat out? I doubt there would be many clubs left in Europe if there was a ban for a bit of misbehaviour by a handful of fans.


But surely no one is going to confuse the Rule Book with the Rules-for-Rangers Book.

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