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this shouldn't be applauded because it's atypically ballsy. it should be applauded because it's clever. getting to the effectual truth of things, as machiavelli would say, you can control the news story to some extent by taking the lead. journalists don't care about truth, as we all know, but about stories. when you don't give them a story, they fill in the blanks with whatever nonsense comes into their head. but once you give them an angle, once the dust inevitably settles on their "thugs in europe" caper they'll look to rangers for a statement. then they'll see bain's statement about the complaint and turnstyles and tear gas and they'll be a brand new story. some journalists will say it's deflection but they don't have the freedom to ignore it, which gives the impetus back to us. they'll have something else to fill their papers with. the news about rangers can be managed so much better if it's approached in a more clever manner. this is a good first step.


we get some photo of an elderly person in the crowd looking oppressed and/or vulnerable and the negative aspect of the story is functionally dead.

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even looking at newsnow as a sample set.


first we can divide them into those affected by bain's statement and those unaffected, going only by the headline - not even the content of the thing.


Fans blame police for Rangers crowd trouble - unaffected

Fans criticised after unrest at Gers clash - unaffected

Rangers shamed by small group of louts: The David McCarthy verdict - unaffected

Rangers chief demands UEFA probe as fans involved in half-time riot with Romanian stewards - affected

Rangers look into fan reports - affected

Rangers fans sprayed with CS gas - affected

Gers complaint over crowd trouble BBC Sport - affected

Rangers to complain over crowd trouble - affected

Rangers boss: police response to crowd trouble "totally unacceptable" - affected

Rangers to complain to UEFA after crowd trouble - affected

Soccer-Rangers to complain to UEFA after crowd trouble - affected

Unruly fans add to Rangers’ woes in Europe - unaffected

Gers chief exec condemns "unacceptable" violence - affected

'gers Chief Condemns Fan Trouble Sporting Life - affected


the majority are affected. of those a significant portion focus on the complaint rather than the violence, which is a win. i imagine of those affected which still place the trouble in the most prominent position in the title, offer some balance within the article itself because of the rest of bain's statement. no matter how you look at it, the statement has tempered the harshness of the news, and so it's worked out well in relative terms.

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Why dont incedents like this happen in UK stadiums ?


These countries are always heavy handed in their approach and they get away with it


there would be hell to pay if Rocksteady or Strathclyde Polis started beating the crap out of the away support


at Ibrox , so why is it so different abroad ?


I admit our support are no angels but we are always made out to be trouble makers when this happens


and using CS spray ???? i am sure i seen a fan with his face covered in blood


So i am glad the club are finally sticking up for the fans in this case, as enough is enough


its like the foreign police see us as having this reputation and are prepared to use force in the smallest case


and if you are there and see a fellow fan being beaten you are going to react naturally and then all hell breaks loose.


Its time these incedents stopped and the away policing comes into line with the UK.


as its only a matter of time before a Bear doesnt return from one of these away matches.

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When i went to Barcelona, to be fair to the police during the day of the game they had their soft caps on.

Although the night before the game and at the game they were all dressed up in their riot gear, if you looked at them they had their hand on their batton and staring at you. Plus these battons are twice the size of the ones in the uk !

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I've been to too many Rangers games not to acknowledge we have some fairly dubious characters amongst our support. However, more often than not, conduct like we saw last night from bears is a reaction to something that few of us would accept easily.


I'm going to say something I wouldn't have believed possible even a few weeks ago .... Martin Bain is doing a decent job recently.

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It is a difficult one, in that if a copper wades in and smacks you about the bonce with a baton, are you meant to just take it, while repeating over and over to yourself "I must think of the Club! I must think of the Club!'


Was there not something similar when Scotland played Macedonia some 18 months ago? At least the 'outside the ground' aspect of it.

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It is a difficult one, in that if a copper wades in and smacks you about the bonce with a baton, are you meant to just take it, while repeating over and over to yourself "I must think of the Club! I must think of the Club!'


Was there not something similar when Scotland played Macedonia some 18 months ago? At least the 'outside the ground' aspect of it.


Look no further than Manchester

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