Union City Blue 0 Posted October 31, 2009 Share Posted October 31, 2009 But this is at the very heart of the issue, UCB, which (I think) is that on whatever subject, in whatever language, and in whatever context, the statements of the RST and their representatives is viewed with a very cold eye by an awful lot of people. To use a comparison the RST would choke on, trying to persuade people Unions are a good thing is still difficult, as the memory of the 70s lives on. So too does the memory of previous statements and actions by the RST: it's going to take a long time to change people's minds. I speak as a non member with no axe to grind. Fair enough mate. As I say, people are free to think whatever they will and if they don't like the Trust, they don't like the Trust. That's understood. The RST believes it is helping the club at this point in time by adding weight and publicity to the Lloyds situation. 0 Quote Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zappa 0 Posted October 31, 2009 Share Posted October 31, 2009 UCB, if you take a look at the abuse SDM, Martin Bain & Walter Smith have taken from fans on Rangers sites, it thoroughly overshadows any bad-mouthing of David Edgar. Anyone who's an important figure at our club comes under fire & takes a power of abuse from some of the fans on internet forums, so if David Edgar is to be an important figure amongst the fans is it not to be expected that he'll be subject to criticism? He doesn't have to do what he does or say what he does on the radio or to the press if he can't take some stick from anyone who disagrees with him or his actions... People speak their minds & that's never going to change, nor should it. I've been reading abuse directed at Walter Smith ever since he came back & it even continued after he took us to the UEFA Cup Final. It continued after we won the league in May and this is Walter Smith, a man who has proven time & again that he's more worthy of praise and respect than abuse. Go figure... 0 Quote Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
rbr 1,278 Posted October 31, 2009 Share Posted October 31, 2009 Shroomz , Murray deserves every bit of the critiscism he is recieving , the way this great club has been run for over 20 years is a disgrace , the first 10 when we had no real competition should have had us with a scouting network and youth set up second to none , What makes it even worse is that Murray started from a position of strength , with International captains in the squad an already purpose built stadium and 50,000 every week to watch them . Yet here we are 21 year later , broke and almost destitute , hoping that some rich supporter will ride to the rescue , all the time Murray does his usual vanishing trick in case he get's a wee bit of abuse . As for Walter Smith I will never critiscise his love or his role in our history the past week has shown how much he cares about this once great institution , however on football matters he is not above critiscism , that goes with the territory unfortunately 0 Quote Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Union City Blue 0 Posted October 31, 2009 Share Posted October 31, 2009 UCB, if you take a look at the abuse SDM, Martin Bain & Walter Smith have taken from fans on Rangers sites, it thoroughly overshadows any bad-mouthing of David Edgar. Anyone who's an important figure at our club comes under fire & takes a power of abuse from some of the fans on internet forums, so if David Edgar is to be an important figure amongst the fans is it not to be expected that he'll be subject to criticism? He doesn't have to do what he does or say what he does on the radio or to the press if he can't take some stick from anyone who disagrees with him or his actions... People speak their minds & that's never going to change, nor should it. I've been reading abuse directed at Walter Smith ever since he came back & it even continued after he took us to the UEFA Cup Final. It continued after we won the league in May and this is Walter Smith, a man who has proven time & again that he's more worthy of praise and respect than abuse. Go figure... Fair enough mate. David Edgar can take stick perfectly well btw - he gets it non-stop from the dark side for sticking up for Rangers. I suppose getting the piss take out of you and being called a thick c*nt & a liar toughens you up a bit. As I keep saying, if people Rangers fans want to spend time having a pop at David Edgar that's up to them. I just happen to think the enemy is somewhere else..... Can't say much more than that and probably won't now. 0 Quote Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zappa 0 Posted October 31, 2009 Share Posted October 31, 2009 Shroomz , Murray deserves every bit of the critiscism he is recieving , the way this great club has been run for over 20 years is a disgrace , the first 10 when we had no real competition should have had us with a scouting network and youth set up second to none , What makes it even worse is that Murray started from a position of strength , with International captains in the squad an already purpose built stadium and 50,000 every week to watch them . Yet here we are 21 year later , broke and almost destitute , hoping that some rich supporter will ride to the rescue , all the time Murray does his usual vanishing trick in case he get's a wee bit of abuse . I'm no Murrayite rbr, but I do like looking at things from as many different perspectives as possible, so I'm going to give you a different perspective, a different way of looking at Murray. Rangers has always only been a relatively small percentage of Murray's business, yet despite that, he's invested quite a large percentage of his time into our club. He's made big mistakes along the way, most notably getting us into debt by giving managers money to spend that the club couldn't afford. He has tried to rectify that in the past, but isn't in a position to do it again now simply because his main businesses are in serious danger & he's not able to transfer any of our debt over to them this time. His main businesses have increased their debt so much in recent years that there's every chance some of them could go into administration & have their assets seized by the bank (I'm not talking about RFC here). I personally think that Murray has stepped into the shadows to try to protect the club by distancing himself from it in order to fast-track the emergence of a buyer. I think he's done this by orchestrating some of what has happened recently (WS's outburst) which is sneaky, but I don't think for a minute that he's done it for his own good, I think he's done it to save this football club from a calamitous seizure & tragic death. If Murray was in a position to fix our situation in any other way, he might have done so, but it looks to me like he's in deep shit & only doing what he can. That's one perspective on it, but I'm open minded & if someone wants to point out where that train of thought is flawed, then please do. 0 Quote Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zappa 0 Posted October 31, 2009 Share Posted October 31, 2009 Fair enough mate. David Edgar can take stick perfectly well btw - he gets it non-stop from the dark side for sticking up for Rangers. I suppose getting the piss take out of you and being called a thick c*nt & a liar toughens you up a bit. As I keep saying, if people Rangers fans want to spend time having a pop at David Edgar that's up to them. I just happen to think the enemy is somewhere else..... Can't say much more than that and probably won't now. I don't see any reason for someone not to defend DE if they think they should. At the end of the day nobody should be accused of being a liar unless the accuser knows it's true & has proof to back it up. It's slanderous to throw such accusations around without proof, but people have a safety net when speaking their minds on internet forums whether they're slandering or not. 0 Quote Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
maineflyer 0 Posted October 31, 2009 Share Posted October 31, 2009 There's no doubt in my mind that the RST has struggled to achieve anything these last couple of years - anything. It has openly lied to promote its own importance and it has shown little appetite for representing anyone, continuing as it does to avoid relevant questions. No we have a club in the crisis that was predicted as early as the late 1990's by several people who are now being criticised for being anti-RST...... and what has the RST been doing all these years to confront the causes of our decline into farce ....... squat. While they should have adopted an assertive policy of confrontation, they instead courted a chairman who played them like a fiddle, hoping that ingratiating themselves would somehow represent the interest of fans who genuinely feared their club was heading for the rocks. Now, at the latest crisis, here we have the RST posturing in yet another act of self-promotion, not only re-hashing old news but now apparently claiming virtue in raking over other people's words. Here's some worthwhile advice. If the RST wants to recover any credibility at all, it should only speak when it actually has something of its own to say. The RST has more than earned the criticism it gets. When it changes the way it acts and stops courting cheap praise then it will get a different reception. It's always the same with the RST, empty words and eff all action. 0 Quote Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
rbr 1,278 Posted November 1, 2009 Share Posted November 1, 2009 There's no doubt in my mind that the RST has struggled to achieve anything these last couple of years - anything. It has openly lied to promote its own importance and it has shown little appetite for representing anyone, continuing as it does to avoid relevant questions. No we have a club in the crisis that was predicted as early as the late 1990's by several people who are now being criticised for being anti-RST...... and what has the RST been doing all these years to confront the causes of our decline into farce ....... squat. While they should have adopted an assertive policy of confrontation, they instead courted a chairman who played them like a fiddle, hoping that ingratiating themselves would somehow represent the interest of fans who genuinely feared their club was heading for the rocks. Now, at the latest crisis, here we have the RST posturing in yet another act of self-promotion, not only re-hashing old news but now apparently claiming virtue in raking over other people's words. Here's some worthwhile advice. If the RST wants to recover any credibility at all, it should only speak when it actually has something of its own to say. The RST has more than earned the criticism it gets. When it changes the way it acts and stops courting cheap praise then it will get a different reception. It's always the same with the RST, empty words and eff all action. Sorry Maineflyer but what ou have posted is utter drivel totally unworthy of your usual standard , you have a very personnal grudge against not only the RST but certain individual's inside the RST , why I dont know and am not really interested in but please give it a break your starting to get very predictable and boring 0 Quote Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
maineflyer 0 Posted November 2, 2009 Share Posted November 2, 2009 Sorry Maineflyer but what ou have posted is utter drivel totally unworthy of your usual standard , you have a very personnal grudge against not only the RST but certain individual's inside the RST , why I dont know and am not really interested in but please give it a break your starting to get very predictable and boring I don't believe any of it is drivel but no one forces you either to read these posts or to reply to them, so please don't think you have to be bore by them. However, if you want to take part, how about you tell me where I'm going wrong. Tell me what the RST has actually achieved these last couple of years, make a list. Achieved mind you, not just the usual claimed or talked about. While you're at it, explain to me why the RST is only now urging banks to be petitioned and fans to unite. Where has this zeal been since they declared two years ago their determination to be more "militant"? Convince me with evidence that the RST isn't just a pointless, toothless talking shop, where posturing takes the place of achievement. While we're on the subject of drivel, one of the posters on this thread has made it his business to post what amounts to little more than RST propaganda on this and other sites, all on the back of his recent unelected elevation to the sacred Trust. We've been assailed with diatribe about collective decision making and received lessons on the sematic difference between aims and objectives but so far neither one nor the other has actually emerged so that we might judge whether these are actually achieved. That's drivel but you must have missed it. 0 Quote Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
rbr 1,278 Posted November 2, 2009 Share Posted November 2, 2009 I don't believe any of it is drivel but no one forces you either to read these posts or to reply to them, so please don't think you have to be bore by them. However, if you want to take part, how about you tell me where I'm going wrong. Tell me what the RST has actually achieved these last couple of years, make a list. Achieved mind you, not just the usual claimed or talked about. While you're at it, explain to me why the RST is only now urging banks to be petitioned and fans to unite. Where has this zeal been since they declared two years ago their determination to be more "militant"? Convince me with evidence that the RST isn't just a pointless, toothless talking shop, where posturing takes the place of achievement. While we're on the subject of drivel, one of the posters on this thread has made it his business to post what amounts to little more than RST propaganda on this and other sites, all on the back of his recent unelected elevation to the sacred Trust. We've been assailed with diatribe about collective decision making and received lessons on the sematic difference between aims and objectives but so far neither one nor the other has actually emerged so that we might judge whether these are actually achieved. That's drivel but you must have missed it. We will never agree with regards the RST so there is very little point debating it ,as for this list you want again there is no point for you would definetly win as there has been very little achieved as such , but that depends on what your definition of achievement is , when you consider the RST is fighting not only Murray but his media poodles and that the majority of our fans are unable to even think for themselves anymore then you can see what they are up against . Remember this is just a voluntary fans organisation that is trying for a better Rangers , as far as I am concerned the continual beratement of Murray , the "We Deserve Better " campaign even though it was rubbished by the press is an achievement as is encourages debate and at this time that can only be a good thing , for far too long we have been run in an atrocious manner even thoug the press would have you believe Murray is god , even Derek Johnstone last week stated that Rangers had not won anything for a few years before Murray took over and were going nowhere , well David Holmes and Graeme Souness may have a thing to say about that . So we will have to agree to disagree however I refuse to slaughter anyone for wanting a better Rangers , you obviously disagree and you have your own opinions on the Rst and I take it also the Assembly who are also unelected and club financed . So just where do the fans go in your opinion , who should speak for them as I have never seen such a pathetic bunch of supporters in my 34 years of supporting this once great club , you know maybe we dont deserve better , maybe we deserve exactly what we have got and that isn't much . Remember opinions are like arseholes , we all have one !!! 0 Quote Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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