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Do you back the Dave King consortium?

Do you back the Dave King consortium?  

38 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you back the Dave King consortium?

    • Yes, we need a new owner.
    • Yes, in principle but I'd like to know more.
    • No, Lloyds Bank will make the club more efficient
    • No, I'd prefer a single owner
    • Undecided

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We definitely need to know more.


We have no idea what King's plans are on any aspect of the club, so it's impossible to give it complete backing, but it has to be a better option than the bank's apparent downsizing (although is that all a smokescreen put out by the King consortium?)


I'm sure there will be a lot of PR put out over the next week or so. It'll just be interesting to see if any of it gives any idea of the plans. Surely King isn't just going to appeal to our hearts and minds with just a "we're better than the bank" message?

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We pretty much need to, is he not the only show in town?


That in itself is not a reason for backing him.


I don't doubt the concerns about what the bank plan to do but what is spin and what isn't.


We need to know more from everyone.

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We pretty much need to, is he not the only show in town?


Welcome to the site, mate.


There have been a few whispers about another potential bid, but who knows? Could be lies being spread by the bank?


It's going to be difficult to sort the truth from the other stuff over the next few weeks.

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It's understood that King is a fan, so I would be happy for him to buy on that basis alone.

However, the press have circulated stories with regards to "fraud" etc in South Africa. I would like this position clarified and sorted out before any take over was finalised.

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Voted undecided because there just isn't enough information. I don't like Dave Kings situation in SA either. King denies most of the accusations against him, but from what I read earlier this year when looking into King, it seems to me that there's definitely some questionable business practices been going on. Unfortunately, the legal system in SA appears to be like watching paint dry & I can't see Dave King being able to get his legal matters cleared up over there before leading a takeover of Rangers, which for me is a worry.

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Voted undecided because there just isn't enough information. I don't like Dave Kings situation in SA either. King denies most of the accusations against him, but from what I read earlier this year when looking into King, it seems to me that there's definitely some questionable business practices been going on. Unfortunately, the legal system in SA appears to be like watching paint dry & I can't see Dave King being able to get his legal matters cleared up over there before leading a takeover of Rangers, which for me is a worry.


A definite concern.

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