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No More Brushing Under the Carpet


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I know for a fact that I am not the only one, but I am sick to death not only in football grounds but in society as well, why can we not, as well as the scum sing any song we want to, these dick's who think they know everything think they can cure, as what do gooders call the cancer in our society, by bringing in a law to arrest anyone who sings a so called sectarian song.

Now I don't know about you but I think this has killed the atmosphere at Ibrox and the piggery, and we know the fact is that the majority think that way and are happy with it.

Even over here in Ulster we are learning to live with are rebel neighbours but it does not mean we want to love them and I know it is the same in God's second love Scotland his first being Ulster of course:) are we just to act like being a bigot goes away just in case we get thrown out of Ibrox, we can't help our feelings and it is about time this false behaviour stopped, in the words or many if you don't like it turn off.


Watched something on you tube the other day, sorry can't rmember the site, where supporters from both sides were "interviewed" on site. Sites being Bairds Bar, the Louden, and on matchdays outside both Grounds.

Both sets of replies on the subject of "singing" were pretty much identical.

However, the younger fan, aged twenties, thirties, hated such things as f t p etc. Older fans accepted this as only being words of historical songs sang to support their team.

What I took from this was that political correctness is becoming the norm' for new generations of fans.

I, personally followed Rangers more when I was younger and singing the Sash etc. didn't mean I was anti Catholic or anything else. It made me feel proud to sing it as it was a part of my heritage. It wasn't sung in order to attack anyone else's heritage.

It is a great shame that non-football folk have invaded the terraces so to speak. If you don't like what you hear, then don't listen, simple.

There's a watershed for swearing on TV, so, why not put something up to say " those easily offended should think twice before attending "

Football is unique. Where else does a cross section of the "Community" gather in such numbers today ?

I believe the "Community" has to compromise more when it all mixes on these occasions.

Football belongs to the working classes in my opinion, and others with their own standards are trying to impose them on everyone else. They might be offended by name calling etc. but most folk aren't.


Remember the days when Football was enjoyable, hard, and honest. I can't remember a time when issues such as singing or finances were more important than simply winning a football match by playing well.




Maybe I'm just an old Fart.

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I agree biggordy, I never seen myself as a biggot, my girlfriend is a catholic, all be it an American one but I never hid the fact what my heritage was and I even educated her on my history plus that of Rangers and Celtic, which I know both Catholics and Protestants alike consider thier teams as part of there heritage which is why it is so special, when she comes over she comes for the Twelth and her boys now wear Rangers shirts, but I get what you say about the younger generation, which is proof of what the establishment are doing is working, "Out of sight out of mind" I think the only way to fight back is what happened on Saturday change a few words were no one gets kicked out and the other side knows what we are singing it is as simple as that.

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