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New 'No1 Fanzine' Available This Saturday

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Available from all good-looking, intelligent, funny and extremely rich salesmen near you at Ibrox Stadium this coming Saturday...


Featuring all the very best articles, the most accurate inside info and the funniest satire; say no to the Scottish media chancers and say hello hello to your fellow bears with the real inside track!


No1 Fanzine - Issue 243





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The last issue promised a new issue out for the Unirea match, so I bought the "Champions League" edition, only to get in and find it was the last issue and I had already read it.


Coupled with a disgusting chicken burger from the van outside the Copland road stand, my smartcard not working before the game and I had to go round to the ticket office to get paper tickets to get in, and to top it all off the actual match itself, it wasn't the best night out I have had.

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The last issue promised a new issue out for the Unirea match, so I bought the "Champions League" edition, only to get in and find it was the last issue and I had already read it.


Coupled with a disgusting chicken burger from the van outside the Copland road stand, my smartcard not working before the game and I had to go round to the ticket office to get paper tickets to get in, and to top it all off the actual match itself, it wasn't the best night out I have had.


Want directions to the Erskine Bridge mate ??


This is a text i recieved earlier on


Remember the guy in No1 who predicted le guen was joining well before anyone else.

Intresting article yesterday from him in No1, stating takeover imminemt and due dilligence currently ongoing expect developments in New Year..new manager is said to be an english based Scot


Anyone read that article at all ??

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