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Stolen from another forum.


The team in the Killie strip needed to win by 11 goals to win the league - they scored 9 goals in the final 9 minutes of the match to win 11-0.


Some of the tackles are hilarious!


Kinda puts Helicopter Sunday in perspective.



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Did you read any of the comments Gav ?


It seems that Vuiana were up 2-0 and the score filtered through to the other game.... the ref in the other game then gave Moto Club (the other team vying for promotion) 3 penalties in the last 10 minutes and added on far more injury time than normal.


Seems that both games were corrupt.


The tackling there was hilarious !


From the comments section on youtube :


1. Knowing this, Chapadinha players (according to one of their defenders), started allowing Viana goals so that Moto Club wouldn't be promoted back to the first division.


So, it seems that it was all a general fraud, not just the 9 goals in 9 minutes scandal.


2. It all seems to have happened because out of the four teams (Moto Club, Santa QuitÃ?©ria, Viana and Chapadinha), only Santa QuitÃ?©ria were already qualified for the next season's first division. Chapadinha were already eliminated. Thus, the last spot would go to either Moto Club or Viana. When Viana scored their first two goals, before the fraud started, the referee at the other match allowed three penalties to Moto Club, so that they would be promoted.


3. According to what I read in the Brazilian media, the story is far more complicated than a simple money-related fraud. The fact is that Moto Club, who were playing the second division in the same season they were relegated to it, had a 2-1 advantage over Santa QuitÃ?©ria at around 80min of match already played; they were then allowed three penalties in the last ten minutes. In the same match, the referee added much more time than the usual 3-5 minutes of injury time.

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