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Bougy�s off the hook

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There are many examples of African and South American players having "travel difficulties" and being late back to their clubs from international duty.


This does not give the right for the media, without knowing any of the facts surrounding this incident, to stir things up and speculate. For some reason we had Clyde on the bus coming back from Perth on Saturday, and after our match, instead of talking about our game, or the rest of that days upcoming games, they went on and on about how "disrespectful" this was to Walter from Bougherra, and that the player is working his ticket out, wants away etc.


Then, 2 days later when the real story comes out, will we get apologies, retractions, plenty of airtime to clear it up?


As I dont listen to this station I wont know, but I am pretty sure I already know the answer.

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Then, 2 days later when the real story comes out, will we get apologies, retractions, plenty of airtime to clear it up?

The club have put spin onto the story. I have no confidence that this version is the "real story".


The club have not explained why there was not a phone call on the Thursday to Smith giving him a full explanation of what was happening, together with constant updates, throughout Thursday and Friday.

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I think every player gets one "get out of jail free" card but once they've used it, it takes a while before they earn another.


The contrast with McGregor and Ferguson is that they both had previous and their punishment came not at the first offence of the saga but at the subsequent offence after being warned by Walter. They totally disrespected him with their subsequent antics.


If Bougherra had plenty of previous form - including where his falling out with a manager led to the latter's resignation, as well as say coming back late after being seriously warned by Walter that he better be on time, then I think the Algerian too, would have had serious sanctions.


A first offence normally attracts nothing more than a slapped wrist - and then a cover up.

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The club have put spin onto the story. I have no confidence that this version is the "real story".


The club have not explained why there was not a phone call on the Thursday to Smith giving him a full explanation of what was happening, together with constant updates, throughout Thursday and Friday.



Smith has today said that there was a phone call from Bougherra's agent to McCoist. Quite why, instead of phoning his agent he couldn't have phoned the Gaffer I dont know, but if that is the reason we are given it is either (a) the correct version of events or (b) Walter's way of making the story go away, and he has dealt with Bougherra privately, as it should be.


Either way, the mountains the media made out of this without knowing any of the facts was way out of line but fairly typical of what we expect from them.

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Suddenly on Radio Snyde in the wake of ra Sellik's nil-nil efforts against the mighty 'Well, both Keevins and Guidi elevated the Bougherra story to being, "the real story of today". I am not dismissing the significance of Bougherra's no-show; however, Rangers coming from a potential seven points behind to one point ahead in the space of two games, was THE real story.


Anyway, Nuremberg Hugh begins to reinforce his perception of the real story by stating, "Bougherra has shown no respect to the supporters, to the Rangers management team, particularly Smith". Guidi took his cue, "he should be dropped from Tuesday's Champions League game". Nuremberg asked, "Does Walter have principles"?


Big DJ found a pair and chipped in, "well he had principles, dropped both Ferguson and McGregor at the end of last season when Rangers really needed them". Silence from Nuremberg and the Slug.


All this in the week where once again Scott Brown is on the front page of a national tabloid for drunken behaviour that sees him escorted off another liscenced premisis. Of course, Nuremberg and the Slug are NOT demanding their beloved green'n'grey hooped horrors exhibit principles.

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Astute observations as ever 26ht... :thup:


Clyde and consistency are always mutually exclusive. I must say though I'm glad the ineffectual Brown retains his place in the Celtic midfield - drinking exploits or not. Seems to be their fans' new fall guy. Wonder why?

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