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Web fury erupts as falkirk fans demand silence

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By Andy McInnes


A FURIOUS row is brewing over how Falkirk and Celtic fans will be asked to show their respects at the Remembrance Day fixture on Sunday November 8.


Angry Bairns fans last night aired their fears on sports websites that a two minute applause rather than silence will be ordered by either the club or SPL officials before the game which will be shown live by ESPN kicks off.


One supporter posted a message saying he was " totally disgusted " at the thought of applauding and warned that such a move would make a farce of the day and would bring " bad publicity" for Scottish football as the match was being screened throughout the country.


While another called himself Bairn4life said " we should not give in to them ( Celtic) as it is supposed to be a time of reflection not joy " Another opposition fan declared : " It would be ridiculous if my club was to change things to suit a minority"


But last night Falkirk's Operations manager Keith Hogg insisted no decison had yet been taken on the issue and that they would be seeking guidance from the SPL .


" We haven't started our planning for the Celtic match yet." he added " In the past we have had applause to commemorate an individual as after the death of former player Paul McGrillen and we've also held a period of silence on other occasions when we felt that was the most appropriate action.


" We will be speaking to the SPL and seeking their guidance over the next couple of days before any decision is taken "


Last night SPL spokesman Greg Mailer revealed the issue would be raised today at a Board Meeting.


" As last year was the 90th anniversary of Armistace Day we teamed up with Poppy Scotland and asked clubs to do something special. But before that we did not dictate what anyone should do allowing individual clubs the choice between silence and applause.


" We have received emails on the matter over the past couple of days however and while it is not on the official agenda for the Board Meeting I'm sure it will be discussed further."



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Will the SPL bend over to hide Scotland's real shame or will they give those heroes no longer with us the respect they deserve?


I'm not suprised Falkirk fans are angry. If they are told to applaud I would respect the Falkirk fans more if they still retained their dignity and their silence in contrast to Scotland's bigots.


(I wonder what G. Speirs will have to say?)

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Falkirk FC should simply insist that it be a minutes silence & show the mopes up for what they are, but I can already see how this will pan out. Falkirk will be told by the SFA & SPL that either applause or silence are acceptable & while most Falkirk fans respect the minutes silence, the Celtic away support will applaud. It will then be swept aside as if it were never an issue in the first place. Done.

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Last year with them it made my blood boil, if this happends again im sure there will be a massive uproar !!


Also last year Celtic gave the armed forces tickets to the Man Utd ? game, but weren't allowed to wear their uniform in fear of trouble !!


Their fan are scum, the media is scum ! All sweep sweep !


To be honest, im getting really really fed up of it now

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Falkirk FC should simply insist that it be a minutes silence & show the mopes up for what they are, but I can already see how this will pan out. Falkirk will be told by the SFA & SPL that either applause or silence are acceptable & while most Falkirk fans respect the minutes silence, the Celtic away support will applaud. It will then be swept aside as if it were never an issue in the first place. Done.


That is exactly what will happen... :(

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Falkirk FC should simply insist that it be a minutes silence & show the mopes up for what they are, but I can already see how this will pan out. Falkirk will be told by the SFA & SPL that either applause or silence are acceptable & while most Falkirk fans respect the minutes silence, the Celtic away support will applaud. It will then be swept aside as if it were never an issue in the first place. Done.


That is exactly what will happen... :(

Yep, it's inevitable. Haven't heard or read anything official regarding the SPL's discussion of it today or what Falkirk FC intend to do, but I've had a quick browse on a couple of Falkirk forums and there's a 4-page thread on the 'one f in Falkirk' forum. The Falkirk fans are not happy & will generally be outraged if a minutes silence is not held. There's a 20-page thread on pie&bovril about it as well, but I didn't read it all.

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Got up part way through soccer am today and they were doing some tug of war challenge with guys from the forces.


Helen Chamberlain opened peice by saying how Soccer AM supported all our troops wherever they are.


Might be worth informing them of this? :devil:

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Just makes me sad that Remembrance Sunday gets hijacked by people for the wrong reasons, every year it seems. I doubt many people who died in various wars did so in order that football fans could score points over each other, but then that goes with freedom of speech.

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SPL decision is pure claptrap


Oct 18 2009 Gorden Waddell


NEW faces, same old wimps. Shame on the SPL for their Remembrance Sunday cop-out.


After Celtic asked Falkirk for a minute's applause instead of silence on November 8 the Bairns turned to league chiefs for guidance.


And their answer was "your home game, your problem".


It's not. It's Celtic's problem and shame on them too for not having the balls to take responsibility.


I'm not a big fan of the minute's applause anyway but you can almost understand it as a tribute to a club legend.


But for the millions of fallen from world wars? It's an outrage.


Falkirk managing director George Craig will make the right decision and tell his pea-hearted opposite number to take a hike I'm sure.


Let the IRA-loving "elements" of Celtic's support shame themselves.


Don't ask our club to shame those of us with morals.




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