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Topping succeeds Gold at the SPL

Guest Jum Spence

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Clubs must silence 'thugs' - Gold

4th November 2008


SPL executive chairman Lex Gold wants to silence the 'morons' who sing abusive songs at games


Lex Gold, the executive chairman of the Scottish Premier League, has spoken out about those who sing sectarian and abusive songs at football matches.


Describing them as "mindless thugs and morons", Gold insisted something had to be done to silence those who continue to sing the likes of the 'Famine song'.


Gold said: "You don't start with points deduction. We have a range of sanctions which can be applied.


"The test is, are the club doing the maximum to ensure their fans behave?"


Speaking at the launch of a campaign to publicise the Scottish Poppy Appeal, Gold said: "Clubs know they need to be alert and make sure their fans are doing all they can to avoid sectarian or other offensive abuse."


Referring to the 'Famine song', he said: "The verse of the song that has featured hugely is racist, it's not sectarian as such, it's racist. The rules were structured to help to try to tackle this.


"I just wish that this is going to go away. We're going to work hard on our side to try to make sure that it does," promised Gold.


While the SPL will do its part, Gold insists clubs must be on the look-out for troublesome fans.


"Clubs will have to keep alive to the need to ensure they're doing the most they can to prevent sectarian or other unacceptable behaviour of their fans," he said.


"To date, that is what has happened but I've got be careful because there are certain things we're considering at the moment.


"But there is no doubt they've worked very hard with us and I think it's going in absolutely the right direction.


"I would hope that we can concentrate more on the vast majority of supporters, not the mindless thugs and morons who besmirched the name of our game."

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7 years later & Gold still didn't manage to aid in pushing through this old chestnut from 2002 on a subject that's resurfaced yet again this month. -


The top four teams in the Scottish Premier League could take part in a North Atlantic Cup along with clubs from Holland, Belgium and Denmark.


The proposal was revealed by league chairman Lex Gold in an interview with BBC Radio Scotland.


The proposed competition would take place during the winter break, with the four teams at the top of the SPL by that stage taking part.


If any of the top four were still in Europe, the next team in the league would qualify.


Gold said the cup could start this season if the idea was given the go-ahead.


Celtic chief executive Ian MacLeod said he believed the idea was a positive one.


"If there was a will and a way, you could realistically say it could start next January," he told BBC Scotland.


"But there are a lot of building blocks to be put in place. You would have to have everybody agree it was a good idea in order for that to happen.


"That doesn't happen very often in football but you have to remain optimistic about these things."


Gold outlined how far the proposal had gone.


"We have sent details of this to all the clubs and we are looking for their comments to try and take this forward," said Gold.


"This is a cup competition along the lines we have talked about before.


"While we are looking at administrative and technical matters, we should continue to try and develop the game."


Gold added that the competition would start with a league system before going on to a knockout semi-final.


You could go on & on all day bringing up Lex Gold's failures during his 10 years with the SPL because there's a bloody long list. What about the denial of Falkirk's SPL promotion on the basis that ground sharing wasn't good enough only to go and allow Gretna (RIP) to do that very thing in order to be able to play in the SPL? That was a belter.


Cherio Lex. You won't be missed. :flipa:

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Why are they making such a minor issue; sectarianism, into the greatest problem facing mankind?


As if we could just get people to stop singing naughty songs and it would end world hunger, global warming and all the other issues?


Lex Gold go fuck yourself.


The abbreviated version of your statement is:


"I am a muppet.

I do not understand the context of TFS.

Now I have finally been dumped from a position I did not deserve to hold I must keep my name in the papers by jumping on the sectarian bandwagon that has mystifyingly kept so many idiots in jobs and in the press".


If I could borrow James Bonds license Lex Gold would be high up on the list afer Speirs. :ffs:

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