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wednesday night

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Like i really give a shit about your opinion on my post!!!! I think you already know my opinion on the general bollocks that you post on a day to day basis!! :D I tend just to ignore any of the poorly-written and bigoted pish that you post anyway, so no worries here!


In fact, the fact that you DONT agree with me makes me feel quite fantastic



The Feelings Mutual :sleep:

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well look at that italian guy who was out for a while, injured his hand while playing a ps2.


I don't see there fans boycotton ps2


Surely your having a laugh there Buba??


You cant compare a tackle on the park to a freak injury playing a PS2.



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From what I've read of the tackle, it seems it was very late, very rash and he wasn't pulling any punches.


It's not the kind of tackle you expect in a meaningless friendly - not least from a player still registered at your club.


Basically it was wholly unnecessary and the way he kicked his way around the park afterwards including leading with his elbow against Ponroy, shows there was something wrong in the head with this weird dutchman.


He obviously had something to prove and all he did prove is that he's a complete arsehole and will never be accepted back into the fold now.


I hope he never darkens the Ibrox doorstep again.

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well look at that italian guy who was out for a while, injured his hand while playing a ps2.


I don't see there fans boycotton ps2



pmsl how can you compare that with that crazy tackle?


your mad!!!!


well, i for the most part, agree with f.j also!!

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I watched the game on RTV and imo there wasn't much in it. I think the media have again tried to stir up something our of nothing. It was an accident that could have happened to anyone, it's just the fact that it was Ricksen the papers have tried to make something of it to sell more papers.

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