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Supporters Trusts in the UK: did you know?

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There's a steep learning curve in the art of wrapping quote tags around text. :D



So in your own opinion, is the RST an appropriate organization to facilitate fan control of Rangers FC?



You'd like to think so & that's why in my own opinion any group or 'trust' that is to directly represent the Rangers supporters in controlling or even helping to control the club would need to be one that was elected by every single season ticket holder, not a clique of 0.5% of the ST holders.



Nor do I, but doing nothing is often a good course of action depending on the situation & circumstances.



I only mentioned that you missed that part since it was the next paragraph directly below the section in bullet points that you did quote. :D


Before I work out how to even begin to respond, I can't believe you did all that knowing full-well that I don't know how to multi-quote! If I try to quote that it will send everyone's eyes into orbit ffs :D

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Before I work out how to even begin to respond, I can't believe you did all that knowing full-well that I don't know how to multi-quote! If I try to quote that it will send everyone's eyes into orbit ffs :D

The forum needs a multi-quote tutorial because it doesn't function exactly the same as every other forum. Apologies mate! ;)

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the groan was for the multi-quote issue. On reflection, I'll take it back. Just a joke mate :D



Cheers. :)


Here's a screenshot of my post in the edit window that might help you with multi quotes:-


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What happens if any of those on FF who have criticisms of the Trust and publicly air them ? Has it happened ? What was the result of such dissention ?


I don't have access to figures, but I reckon FF has handed out well over a hundred life bans in the past year or so.


They tend to drift across to VB, where about 90% are in the Sine Die Loyal.

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So in your own opinion, is the RST an appropriate organization to facilitate fan control of Rangers FC?


You'd like to think so & that's why in my own opinion any group or 'trust' that is to directly represent the Rangers supporters in controlling or even helping to control the club would need to be one that was elected by every single season ticket holder, not a clique of 0.5% of the ST holders.


Nor do I, but doing nothing is often a good course of action depending on the situation & circumstances.


I only mentioned that you missed that part since it was the next paragraph directly below the section in bullet points that you did quote. :D


Yes, the RST is an appropriate organisation. Definitely. The process of elections etc is an unresolved question, I agree. If Rangers supporters controlled the club, then it would be definitely be required to have a full and open election amongst fans, especialy ST holders.


Helping to control the club is arguably a little different in the sense that if an organisation seeks and gains influence through its members then naturally the organisation would want the primary say, directly on a one-member-one-vote basis or via its Board. Joining the organisation would enable people to exercise and voice their opinions, although that may not allow everyone to be included for one reason or another. Getting into detail here, but basically I'm saying I totally subscribe to the idea of democracy although I recognise that appropriate mechanisms would have to be put in place to ensure its delivery. I fully appreciate that we have 40,000 ST holders (I am one myself) and that we/they are crucially important.


Yes I alse agree that sometimes doing nothing is the best thing to do. My personal opinion though is, given all that has happened and is happening to our club, that the argument for doing nothing has expired - unless we are happy to just take whatever mystery millionaire we get. Which was the essence of the last half of the OP.

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I just wish that the ONLY agenda that was on EVERYONE'S mind was the CLUB and its BETTERMENT. Sadly it does not appear to be the case.


I mentioned that in debating STS on FF. Got my post moderated. Criticism of the trust was not allowed.


I just wondered why those in, or supportive, of the trust only supported projects for the betterment of the club if they were the one's leading said project.

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I mentioned that in debating STS on FF. Got my post moderated. Criticism of the trust was not allowed.


I just wondered why those in, or supportive, of the trust only supported projects for the betterment of the club if they were the one's leading said project.


The only conclusion I can, as a semi-intelligent person, arrive at is self-interest.


STS is a very noble project and one which, in my opinion, is better than anything tabled by any other RFC fans group/organisation/fans. For the Trust to openly disassociate itself from it is very unpalatable and basically an open admission that unless they are "leading the charge" then they dont see it worthy of discussion.


As far as I am aware, only FF and the RST have not supported STS, is that correct ? Given the very worthy debating points of that project and the fact that it at least got recognised by the club, would surely have such organisations as the Trust and FF at least reviewing its worthiness, no ? Have either group made public why they dont support STS ?

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I mentioned that in debating STS on FF. Got my post moderated. Criticism of the trust was not allowed.


I just wondered why those in, or supportive, of the trust only supported projects for the betterment of the club if they were the one's leading said project.


The point in bold is what has me chuckling in amusement.


The Trust have, IIRC, in the past accused the club of not accepting valid criticisms of it. FF has been even more vociferous in its criticism that the club has not allowed genuine criticism (I am generalising, sorry) yet here we stand with one organisation not allowing another organisation to be criticised in the same manner as they themselves profess to abhor from the club.


You couldnt make it up.


Sorry for transgressing, will try to remain on point in future posts.

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