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Its a complete joke and a total snub to us as a club and to scottish football as a whole


I for 1 dont have Sky so will be heading out to watch it which i dont mind or will head to


my mates to watch it with a few beers.


So is this what we can expect for the years to come ?


snubbed by ITV apparently we are not a big enough draw for tv audiences ??


we are a worldwide supported club ??


Sky is better coverage anyway but is a snub to your average joe fan in the street.

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Please say that's rhetorical.


Of course. I'm assuming you agree that this wouldn't have happened to them?.


I'm sure the Sky coverage is better, but for those of us who don't have Sky it's a kick in the teeth. Will Sky be covering all of our games?. From what I've been hearing it seems that some of the rights to our games (the ones that ITV had an option on) are still available.


I know it sounds paranoid, but I really think this has more to do with the ongoing shift towards the green end of the spectrum within the media. How long will it be before even Sky is infected with this kind of petty nonsense?

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Of course. I'm assuming you agree that this wouldn't have happened to them?.


I'm sure the Sky coverage is better, but for those of us who don't have Sky it's a kick in the teeth. Will Sky be covering all of our games?. From what I've been hearing it seems that some of the rights to our games (the ones that ITV had an option on) are still available.


I know it sounds paranoid, but I really think this has more to do with the ongoing shift towards the green end of the spectrum within the media. How long will it be before even Sky is infected with this kind of petty nonsense?


Can't disagree with any of your points there. It ain't paranoia - we all know the score by now.

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I am guessing this is also to do with STV not showing big ITV national shows as mentioned earlier in the post by 26th.


As a retort to STV probably costing ITV money by refusing to show their productions, ITV are sticking the fingers up right back at them by saying, if you are not paying for the rights, we are not showing your team.


For once, I feel this would have been the same situation if it was them in the CL this season instead of us, as this has to do with ITV/STV politics and very little to do with CL football.


The "Nationwide appeal" is the excuse being used by ITV, and while it is a very weak one, it matters not a jot to them because it is not the whole truth to start with. If STV had backed down in their cash wrangle over the national programming, ITV would not have taken this decision, IMO.

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I am guessing this is also to do with STV not showing big ITV national shows as mentioned earlier in the post by 26th.


As a retort to STV probably costing ITV money by refusing to show their productions, ITV are sticking the fingers up right back at them by saying, if you are not paying for the rights, we are not showing your team.


For once, I feel this would have been the same situation if it was them in the CL this season instead of us, as this has to do with ITV/STV politics and very little to do with CL football.


The "Nationwide appeal" is the excuse being used by ITV, and while it is a very weak one, it matters not a jot to them because it is not the whole truth to start with. If STV had backed down in their cash wrangle over the national programming, ITV would not have taken this decision, IMO.


This is true. Earlier in the year ITV cancelled Taggart and Stv cancelled one of their cops shows. tit for tat im afraid.

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It would cost me �£55 a month to get Sky and ESPN, that's �£660. I could probably get a season ticket, tickets for the home CL games and all the domestic cup games for that.


Just a pity it would cost me another couple of grand in travel expenses.


I'm going to have problems finding a pub that shows it as I'm in England and they are far too parochial here even when they have multiple games on.


I've got a Tim friend who has Sky but not sure about the likelihood he'll want to watch the games...

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