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Breaking News - Murray Steps Down as Chairman

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You hav eto speculate that this is the first step in Murray selling. He could have quit in the summer, which would have made far more sense for club stability, for timing (going out on a high) and allowed more time for a new man to come in before the season was upon us. The timing points to a new man coming in.


And since we haven't heard anything from anyone recently, I think it has to be middle eastern. Purely guesswork of course. But should a cartel of Arabs start gaining the majority of UK clubs I can see the much vaunted UK League coming about. Probably wishful thinking, mind you, but it's the only way I could see it happening.


Anyway, those who have wanted Murray out may soon get their wish. Fingers crossed for the next 12 months!

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I don't see any reason why Murray resigning as a director points towards him selling his shares any time soon. The two would normally be done at the same time.


New owners would result in a totally new board, and having two changes of chairman would cuase less stability, not more.

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I'm not getting my hopes up regarding new investment. Things don't go straightforward for us. There'll be a few twists and turns down the line before we get a sniff of new investors.


I hope this isn't the start of a new down sizing programme.

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I'm not getting my hopes up regarding new investment. Things don't go straightforward for us. There'll be a few twists and turns down the line before we get a sniff of new investors.


I hope this isn't the start of a new down sizing programme.


It's probably just a continuation of the current one.

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