gisabeer 409 Posted August 23, 2009 Share Posted August 23, 2009 TBH I'm not comfortable with that idea. It smacks of the rich getting richer etc, and in the end the bubble bursts. I would much rather Scottish football got stronger (including the National team) and Rangers got stronger with it - enabling us to improve our current position in Europe. I think that's a substantial 10-year goal. How we'd do it is another matter. Thats never going to happen though spliff. There has been continuous talk and discussion over the last thirty years about developing scottish football but nothing has actually happened in that time and we are in the state we find ourselves now due to the lack of investment and vision. There is so much much wrong with Scottish football. We struggle with the basics of the game. Continental sides no matter what level always seem to be able to pass and move around the park more comfortably than scottish sides and show our game up for what it is. Our game is inferior to everyone else and its been this way for as long as i can remember. We are still playing the pass and rush game whilst the rest of Europe has developed and grown and passed us by. Scottish football now hangs on to the old firms coat tails financially and if you take the two out of the equasion and leave the others to fend for themselves then there is only one way they will go and that is down. And while the old firm are stuck in Scotland they will never be able to compete at the level they crave in Europe. The quality of our game just isnt good enough. 0 Quote Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
maineflyer 0 Posted August 23, 2009 Share Posted August 23, 2009 The SFA, SPL and SFL are entirely representative of Scottish life as a whole. Riven with division and self-interest, they start with high ideals then immediately slide into decline and stupidity, before re-inventing themselves for another lap of the spiral. Rangers can't escape from this madness and will inevitably continue to decline along with the rest of our clubs. As Rangers decline, Scottish football will suffer even more. No doubt, once we're all totally fukked, someone like Spiers will come up with an astute analysis of where we all went wrong and what we should have done instead. Scottish football is run by the lowest common denominator, for the benefit of the lowest common denominator, which in turn is largely comprised of morons driven by envy and small man syndrome. So desperate to prevent "the rich getting richer" that they'll make damn sure everyone has the same size of hole in their shoe. 0 Quote Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bluedell 5,883 Posted August 23, 2009 Share Posted August 23, 2009 We won't be moving into an English League any time soon & even if we did, the only benefit would be money. We would be leaving behind our club's ongoing history as a core element of Scottish football, something which many Bears will harp on about till the cows come home if the discussion is about something that suits their point of view. However, when it comes to the subject of the most legendary club in Scottish football literally uprooting & leaving behind it's roots in search of more money, all of a sudden the club's history isn't important? History is all that it is - history. Why can't we be ambitious and look to create a new history elsewhere? For me, money would be a secondary concern. I'd welcome the new challenge, and would be great to play better teams every week. As for Scottish football, I'm more concerned about Rangers than Scottish football. I don't see why Rangers should hold back fulfilling its full potential just to support an uneconomic football league. 0 Quote Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Norris Cole 0 Posted August 23, 2009 Share Posted August 23, 2009 No offense, but that's all completely irrelevant in the light of the fact that it's not going to happen. You're really not on my wavelength at the minute Shroomz. I've never said it is going to happen, I'm merely offering opinion on hypothetical scenarios. 0 Quote Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
pete 2,511 Posted August 23, 2009 Share Posted August 23, 2009 History is all that it is - history. Why can't we be ambitious and look to create a new history elsewhere? For me, money would be a secondary concern. I'd welcome the new challenge, and would be great to play better teams every week. As for Scottish football, I'm more concerned about Rangers than Scottish football. I don't see why Rangers should hold back fulfilling its full potential just to support an uneconomic football league. Agree totally and i feel it would be a more even league without the OF 0 Quote Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Norris Cole 0 Posted August 23, 2009 Share Posted August 23, 2009 Agree totally and i feel it would be a more even league without the OF Fans of the diddy teams are forever banging on about how much they'd love it if the OF left. I'm all for seeing how many of these teams can stay in business long enough to challenge for the title in a new, more even set-up. Incidentally the 'more even league' argument is basically like Aston Villa or Everton saying "Right, we can't win the league with Man Utd, Chelsea, Arsenal and Liverpool in it, so could you guys piss off to another league please so we can", or Bordeaux saying the same about Marseilles, Boavista about Porto etc. etc. 0 Quote Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zappa 0 Posted August 23, 2009 Share Posted August 23, 2009 We won't be moving into an English League any time soon & even if we did, the only benefit would be money. We would be leaving behind our club's ongoing history as a core element of Scottish football, something which many Bears will harp on about till the cows come home if the discussion is about something that suits their point of view. However, when it comes to the subject of the most legendary club in Scottish football literally uprooting & leaving behind it's roots in search of more money, all of a sudden the club's history isn't important? History is all that it is - history. Why can't we be ambitious and look to create a new history elsewhere? I didn't say that we can't be ambitious or look to create a new history elsewhere. I was merely pointing out the irony in some of our support harping on about the club's history, yet also showing enthusiasm for leaving our history making in Scottish football behind with the preference to move to greener pastures. For me, money would be a secondary concern. I'd welcome the new challenge, and would be great to play better teams every week. A new challenge & playing better teams every week would be great, but for me it would depend entirely on what the league switch offer is. A new European league where we compete with English football would be brilliant, but I certainly wouldn't be happy to see us improving English football at the detriment of Scottish football. There's a big difference including the fact that if we were to somehow make our way into the EPL, we'd probably be improving it, while not having a very good chance of winning it. As for Scottish football, I'm more concerned about Rangers than Scottish football. I don't see why Rangers should hold back fulfilling its full potential just to support an uneconomic football league. I'm more concerned about Rangers than Scottish football as well, but I'm not prepared to deny that we wouldn't be the club we are with the history we have if it wasn't for Scottish football. I'm also not convinced that leaving Scotland behind in favour of playing in England wouldn't be a big mistake. 0 Quote Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zappa 0 Posted August 23, 2009 Share Posted August 23, 2009 I'm merely offering opinion on hypothetical scenarios. That's what we're all doing Norris. 0 Quote Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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