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Trouble in Portsmouth!

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I think it was reported in the local paper and then picked up by Scotzine, which is a Celtic site posing as an independent SPL news site. Obviously the guy who runs it, makes it his life's mission to scan all local papers after a Rangers game to try and glean something to rant about.


He then added the extreme negative spin and it was posted on NewsNow and went to the top of the list for popularity. Sensationalised scandal always attracts the most attention.


We could do with the original local paper report to actually see what was written before it was twisted out of all proportion.

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No club in the world has more self-loathers than Rangers.


So do you loath Rangers fans who loath Rangers fans who fight?


You seem to loath the Rangers board, the Rangers management, some Rangers players and now some Rangers fans... so I suppose your point has some evidence.

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So do you loath Rangers fans who loath Rangers fans who fight?


You seem to loath the Rangers board, the Rangers management, some Rangers players and now some Rangers fans... so I suppose your point has some evidence.


That's a pretty weak comeback even for you. Do you honestly believe by "self-loathers" I'm referring to those who fight? No, you were just trying to look smart but as usual you come across as a condescending charlatan.

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Scandalous. Funny, that thread you posted on bluemoon Norris.... some City fans said the seats were broken anyway - Ibet if they saw that picture they would change their mind as I bet they thought that perhaps a bolt was loose or similar.


WHy is there such a need for wanton vandalism ?

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That's a pretty weak comeback even for you. Do you honestly believe by "self-loathers" I'm referring to those who fight? No, you were just trying to look smart but as usual you come across as a condescending charlatan.


No, you didn't read it properly. I believe you were referring to people who loath "badly behaved" Rangers fans. However, you loath them (and also the board management and some players) and so I was pointing out your extreme irony.


Or maybe I misread you and you were actually talking about yourself?


With this surprising need to spell things out, it's no wonder if I come across as condescending - however, considering your original post, and this one, that again is ironic.


I think it's funny how so often that you display the very attributes you claim to dislike. But when confronted you misunderstand the post, duck out of the issue and resort to insults.


So tell me, what are "self loathers"? If they are not those who hate aspects and employees of the club and certain sections of the fans, are they more literal and actually loath their own person?


Your original "sound bite" is now ambiguous to me.

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