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fucking hell..... any of you read the full 26 pages ? On bluemoon I am reading through it and there is one guy saying that he was walking home with his THREE YEAR OLD and a Tim hit the three year old with half a house brick - the poor wee laddie had to go to hospital for 7 stitches.


ALL clubs have their element and it seems City fans were as bad, but hitting a kid with a fucking rock. I couldnt give two shits about Celtic or their fans, but that type of behavious DISGUSTS me, regardless of which team the MORON supports.


I really do despair at humanity sometimes.

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fucking hell..... any of you read the full 26 pages ? On bluemoon I am reading through it and there is one guy saying that he was walking home with his THREE YEAR OLD and a Tim hit the three year old with half a house brick - the poor wee laddie had to go to hospital for 7 stitches.


ALL clubs have their element and it seems City fans were as bad, but hitting a kid with a fucking rock. I couldnt give two shits about Celtic or their fans, but that type of behavious DISGUSTS me, regardless of which team the MORON supports.


I really do despair at humanity sometimes.


Read the first 5 pages.


Got bored of claim and counter claim.


A lot of numpties on either side it seems.


Without getting into the bias of our press reporting that is absolutely sickening that somone could do that to a young kid.

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Scum, how the press keep brushing these incidents under the carpet is unreal. We get hounded for any little thing we do yet they can do no wrong no matter what happens. If the story is true about the 3 year old I hope they get the bastard and the wee boy makes a good recovery.........

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johnny, I know the story could be wrong but it was the wee laddie's Dad who posted it on bluemoon. I would be shocked if a father told a lie just to make a point. He really has nothing to lie about.


There were other stories about them doing the same to young kids.


Some are saying City fans started it so they were no angels either - but either way, a fucking 3 yr old ????


I have a 4 yr old and if someone hit him in the head with a brick I wouldnt even think twice about wading into the fuckers - and I am far from a violent person.


How anyone can get that worked up and that violent over football is beyond me. Resorting to violence ? And the excuse would be "I didnt aim it at the id" - well FFS you shouldnt be throwing bricks in the 1st place.


I dont get wound up too often but that has me livid.

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Man City fans are cunts! I remember reading what they were saying about us after the UEFA Cup Final. Fuck them! I'd happily laugh if the Celtic fans battered fuck out of a bunch of them. I'll take the guys story about his 3 year old being hit with a brick flung by a tim with a pinch of salt.


Man City fans get battered and the Celtic fans get a bad reputation. :D

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Man City fans are cunts! I remember reading what they were saying about us after the UEFA Cup Final. Fuck them! I'd happily laugh if the Celtic fans battered fuck out of a bunch of them. I'll take the guys story about his 3 year old being hit with a brick flung by a tim with a pinch of salt.


Man City fans get battered and the Celtic fans get a bad reputation. :D


Why would the guy tell lies about something like that ???


For a policeman Gav you really do sometimes sound more lawless than lawful :flipa:


I couldnt give two shits what they said about us after the UEFA final. Did you not watch the footage ? Whether it was Gers fans or not it was our club playing so it was always going to be tagged to the club. Just because someone says something "bad" about us hardly warrants wanting "I'd happily laugh if the Celtic fans battered fuck out of a bunch of them".


Some of the city fans were actually defending us on that thread, which I doubt you even bothered to read.

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Why would the guy tell lies about something like that ???


For a policeman Gav you really do sometimes sound more lawless than lawful :flipa:


I couldnt give two shits what they said about us after the UEFA final. Did you not watch the footage ? Whether it was Gers fans or not it was our club playing so it was always going to be tagged to the club. Just because someone says something "bad" about us hardly warrants wanting "I'd happily laugh if the Celtic fans battered fuck out of a bunch of them".


Some of the city fans were actually defending us on that thread, which I doubt you even bothered to read.


Man City fans are more interested in the opposition fans than their own team. I remember being in Cancun back in 2003. There were 3 guys there from Manchester - 2 United supporters and a City fan. Man City were playing away from home and I was down in the bar watching it along wiith a bunch of others including the 2 United fans and the City fan. The City fan was to busy slating me for wearing a West Ham top, his mate for wearing a United top, the barman for wearing a CLub America top and some other English trumpet for wearing a Torquay top or some other shitty lower league teams top.


Ever since then I just can't stand City fans. He really was an annoying cunt who wanted to be a hardman.


As for the guy who made the story up about hos kid being hit by a brick, I just find it a bit hard to believe. Where do you find a brick lying on the street?

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Sunday Mail page 93 " Gers stars struggle as fans belt out bigotry" and when celtic are down sound singing there usual pish and knocking kids about and causing trouble its instantly forgotten and allthe media pointing the finger in our direction! whats with the scottish media? anti rangers eh!

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Sunday Mail page 93 " Gers stars struggle as fans belt out bigotry" and when celtic are down sound singing there usual pish and knocking kids about and causing trouble its instantly forgotten and allthe media pointing the finger in our direction! whats with the scottish media? anti rangers eh!


As I've said on another thread, the club could stop this in an instant. Unfortunately we have a prick of a custodian who couldn't give a fuck about us.

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