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That is the story of the Rangers. They have had good times and bad times, critical times and times of exultation. No club with the same modest origin can claim so distinguished a record of achievement. They were not born in the lap of luxury. They have been the architects of their own fortune, and, simply because of that, they have become equipped with the moral resistive force to grapple with adversity, which is better than being coddled in the cradle and whining when the wind blows cold. May all who look upon the old club with a friendly eye stand prepared, by precept and example, to protect its interests and its good name.


Not seen this one before.


Another belter imo. :thup:


Don't know anything of the origin of it. :o

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Clearly it's a quote about the club's humble beginnings, perhaps a book on such a topic. It's just not one i've had the fortune of reading.


I suspect that you will find that the key words BD speaks of are ones which a certain group of people would prefer not to find their way into any book ;)


Cryptic ? Yep.

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I suspect that you will find that the key words BD speaks of are ones which a certain group of people would prefer not to find their way into any book ;)


Cryptic ? Yep.


Beware the apron wearers..... :giruy:

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Don't know anything about that.


Had family members in the lodge, but know nothing about that either.




And there are reasons why you dont know anything about it :thup:


10/10 Wij :D

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