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Celt pranksters target Maurice

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It may have been funny in another context.

What it has succeeded in doing though is introduced an "innocent" lad to the sectarian bigots. If he was unaware of sectarianism before, he sure is now.

Welcome to the mindset of the mhank, Maurice.

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It may have been funny in another context.

What it has succeeded in doing though is introduced an "innocent" lad to the sectarian bigots. If he was unaware of sectarianism before, he sure is now.

Welcome to the mindset of the mhank, Maurice.


Bigots from cradle to grave.

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I don't think he was naive at all and has no reason to feel embarrassed by the incident. He's a footballer from a foreign country and shouldn't need to be educated in these things. If one of our players went to play in the states, should they need to be informed about all the slogans or leaders (past and present) of unsavoury political, religious or terrorist groups, just in case they are conned by some redneck into saying the wrong thing?


It only shows them up for what they are and to be honest I think it would be a good idea for our other players to follow Edu's lead. :thup:

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Are you going to follow it up and ask gazza8 about his contraditrary posts.


He and pals get upset when I do :fish:


Well he's probably read my post asking him the question and he's not replied which says it all for me m8 :whistle:

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