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All fair ponts Gribz, but I reckon if BF leaves and WS persists in sticking Davis out wide, Murphy would be great for us. We also need to remember that KT may not return the player he was. Edu's injury is also serious.:(


I'm very hopeful that Aaron will actually come in and fill the LM position, but if we took a punt on a player of great technique such as Van Der Meyde I'd be happy. Remember, Walter has a talent for discipline and commands respect. If anyone can sort a player out mentally it's Walter.


Yip you have a point if BF leaves and the other 2 not coming back to full fitness but id rather see Davis get a shot in the centre first. I can see thomson coming back strong. But Murphy would be a fine addition.


agree RE Aaron, i really hope we at least get to see what he can do. if he cant cut it then fair enough. And agree RE WS discipline but then again so does Moyes have the same ways of comanding respect.

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Andy Van Der Meyde: Right enough something must have happened here because this boy went from Inter, to Everton, to being released. Had a brief look on web and I reckon he likes a wee party. Fine by me if he has the talent and has reached an age where he has a handle on it. Walter on the other hand may make a few phone calls and decide against him. Still, mibees.




i wudnt touch him with a barge pole, rumoured to be an alcholic with massive gambling problems.

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